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How to use (standard or default)

Remi-C edited this page Jul 31, 2013 · 1 revision

##How to use default##

How to use default : Short

A demo is included in this project :

  • Download the Git sources
  • unzip it
  • Follow the install process to install every necessary tools
  • Follow demo instructions

####Before going on, all the necessary tools should work ####

    • Postgres : you should be able to create database, schema, and have plsql
    • postgres user local permission :
      • try to run a psql command while connected as postgres to see if all the permissions are right (``su postgres, psql -d your_database -p 5432 -c "SELECT Version();"`)
    • postgis : you should have postgis installed
      • Try to run the following command : psql -d your_database -p 5432 -c "SELECT PostGIS_full_version();"
    • pointcloud : (test after)
    • pointcloud_postgis (test after)
    • the RPly_convert programm
      • try to run the programm on sample data : cd Pointcloud_in_db; su postgres ./RPly_Ubuntu/bin/RPly_convert -a_nh ./data/riegl/sample_riegl_18_01.ply ./data/riegl/test_output_rplyconvert.asc more ./data/riegl/test_output_rplyconvert.asc

How to use default : detailled

  • Demo Instructions
    • Create a postgres database and ad postgis, pointcloud, pointcloud_postgis extensions
    • Execute all the sql command one by one from the 1_Preparing_DB_before_load.sql script
      • TIP : with PGADMIN query editor, highlight one query and hit F5 to execute only this query
      • You can execut command several time : it is not going to do anything (error), but your database will be in the right state for going on with the demo
    • Go in the ./Pointcloud_in_db folder/script and open
      • check all parameters (at least the number of thread you wan to use)
        • There are only 5 sample riegl files for test purpose in ./data/riegl,
      • go into ./Pointcloud_in_db folder/script, switch to postgres user : su postgres and launch the script :
        • Data should be loading from the sample riegl file (5), it should be over in few seconds
      • Now the table "acquisition_tmob_012013.riegl_pcpatch_space" should have some patches
        • check content of fex patches with the sql command :
        • SELECT gid, PC_AsText(patch) FROM acquisition_tmob_012013.riegl_pcpatch_space LIMIT 10 Warning : pgadmin doesn't print to big string, copy past it to a text editor to see it.
    • Execute all the sql command one by one from the 3_tuning_table_after_load.sql script
      • TIP : with PGADMIN query editor, highlight one query and hit F5 to execute only this query
    • Now you have several indexes to quicken some queries
    • (optionnal) you can visualyze the patches with the Quantum GIS software
      • Assuming you have Qgis and the right python library (Psycopg)
      • Create a new qgis project and save it! (or QGis will crash latter)
      • In the Layer/New Postgis Layer, create a new connection to your database and save it (host is usually localhost, port should be 5432)
      • Now open the DBManager and clic on Postgis/ConnectionToYourDatabase
      • Adding patches
        • Open an SQL windows
        • type in the command : SELECT rps.gid as gid, rps.patch::geometry AS geom FROM acquisition_tmob_012013.riegl_pcpatch_space as rps LIMIT 1000 and execute it
        • Select load as a new layer and choose column gid and geom
        • Name the layer and click to load it into QGIS
        • Select the IGNF:LAMB93 spatial referential
        • you should see the patches geometry, ie the bounding box of points inside the patch
      • Adding points
        • Now open the DBManager and clic on Postgis/ConnectionToYourDatabase
        • Open an SQL windows
        • type in the command : SELECT row_number() over() AS gid ,point_postgis.point AS geom FROM( SELECT PC_Explode(patch)::geometry AS point FROM acquisition_tmob_012013.riegl_pcpatch_space AS rps ) AS point_postgis;
        • Select load as a new layer and choose column gid and geom
        • Name the layer and click to load it into QGIS
        • Select the IGNF:LAMB93 spatial referential
        • you should see the points
        • Please note that QGis is very slow to print many points, if you have over few 100k points it may crash

Of course there is no interest to use a database to store the few sample points provided with the demo. You may fill the data base with several millions (billions) of points to see the power of this solution. One key SQL tool is to be able to do spatial filtering/ temporal filtering on the patches Here are 2 examples that you could also visualize in QGIS

--spatial filtering with the demo set
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid, points.geom as geom
		SELECT PC_Explode(patch)::geometry as geom
		FROM acquisition_tmob_012013.riegl_pcpatch_space as rps
		WHERE ST_Intersects(rps.patch::geometry, ST_Buffer(ST_MakePoint(2066.35643460795,20690.4825030569),5))=TRUE
	) as points

--temporal filtering with the demo set
SELECT row_number() OVER () AS gid, points.point::geometry as geom 
	SELECT PC_Explode(patch) AS point
	FROM acquisition_tmob_012013.riegl_pcpatch_space as rps
	WHERE acquisition_tmob_012013.rc_compute_range_for_a_patch(patch,'gps_time') && NUMRANGE(54160.6,54160.7)
	) as points
WHERE PC_Get(points.point,'gps_time') <@ NUMRANGE(54160.6,54160.7)