The Problem statement asked us to build a full-stack website for this financial brokerage company, along with other functionalities described in detail. From our understanding of the PS and the limited time, we tried our best to fulfil as much as possible.
The site has multiple sections for the needs of someone investing in cryptocurrencies and stocks.
One of the fundamental tasks of the site is to give the user the ability to buy cryptocurrencies. It uses real-time data to help the person know the commodity's price currently. Since many cryptocurrencies exist, one can put them on his watchlist without buying to analyse regularly.
Secondly, the person can manage his portfolio using the dashboard section. Initially, every user is given 1 million rupees to buy cryptos. Also, the user's every transaction and the consequent profit/loss of the trade is available in this section. The dashboard section also has a separate watchlist section, described above. From here, one can see the prices of his favourite cryptos easily.
The use of the Info section can help the user to know the price, market capital and volume of any coin over any period of time. One can find the plot too for easier understanding. This data can help the person in analysing the market better.
The news section has all the latest things happening in finance.
The site has a fully functional backend, with google auth verification for easier login and signups.