Try to associate the animation entries in Bangumi 番组计划 with the corresponding IDs on other metadata-providing websites (aka Info Site) such as Douban, IMDb et al.
This Repo based on Bangumi ID, However different metadata-providing websites may split the same work into different entries when handling it. When A Bangumi entry may be split into two or more entries on other metadata-providing websites, only one of the Linked IDs will be marked, and other IDs may be ignored.
All data comes from the Internet and is for learning purposes only!
- Last update at:
2025-02-27 04:40:33
(CET, UTC+01:00) - Last data summary:
Info Site | Count | Link Format |
Bangumi | 22714 |{bgm_id:\d+} |
Douban | 18587 |{douban_id:\d+}/ |
Bilibili | 3331 |{bili_id:md\d+}/ |
AniDB | 10651 |{anidb_id:\d+} |
MyAnimeList | 12313 |{mal_id:\d+} |
TMDB | 5503 |{tmdb_id:tv/\d+(/season/\d+(/episode/\d+)?)?|movie/\d+} |
IMDb | 6079 |{imdb_id:tt\d+}/ |
TheTVDB | 6738 |{tvdb_id:\d+} |
Wikidata | 3500 |{wikidata_id:Q\d+} |
// Content from bangumi/Archive Subject ( type=2 && nsfw=0 )
"name": "葬送のフリーレン",
"name_cn": "葬送的芙莉莲",
"date": "2023-09",
"bgm_id": "400602",
// The Linked Id in other metadata-providing websites ( The following field will not exist when mis-match )
"douban_id": "36093351",
"bili_id": "md21087073",
"anidb_id": "17617",
"mal_id": "52991",
"tmdb_id": "tv/209867/season/1",
"imdb_id": "tt22248376",
"tvdb_id": "424536",
"wikidata_id": "Q56551019"
// More.....
- bangumi/Archive: Bangumi Wiki Archive (CC BY-SA)
- czy0729/Bangumi-Subject: Static data snapshot of Bangumi hot subject
- bangumi-data/bangumi-data: Raw data for Japanese Anime (CC BY 4.0)
- manami-project/anime-offline-database: A JSON based anime dataset containing the most important meta data as well as cross references to various anime sites such as MAL, ANIDB, ANILIST, KITSU and more... (AGPL-3.0)
- Anime-Lists/anime-lists: Anime mapping lists from AniDB to TheTVDB, TMDB, IMDb.
- ourbits/PtGen: The static export of the PtGen Database. (MIT)
The data in this repo is available for use under a CC BY 4.0 license. For works with existing copyrights, handle them in accordance with the Fair Use principle and indicate the source.