因为 Github上已有的 ZJUT/NexusPHP 添加了 ucenter 组件并未提供相关数据库信息,
从 https://sourceforge.net/projects/nexusphp/ 下载 nexusphp.v1.5.beta5.20120707
时间 | 目的 | 介绍 | 相关commit或pr |
2023.03.12 | 迁移搜索至Meilisearch | https://blog.rhilip.info/archives/1275/ | #6 |
2022.03.10 | 优化files 表 |
xiaomlove/nexusphp#27 | |
2022.03.10 | 屏蔽Bittorrent v2 | ... | #5 |
2020.05.30 | 修复前一commit错误,合并一些更新 | ... | #3 |
2020.02.07 | 支援PHP7 + Redis | NexusPHP 建站优化 (3) 升级NPHP到PHP 7 | #2 |
2020.02.06 | 更换Bencode库为rhilip/bencode |
NexusPHP 建站优化 (2) 替换 Bencode 库 | #1 |
2020.01.21 | 优化cleanup运行方式 | NexusPHP 建站优化 (1) 自动清理 (cleanup) | https://github.com/Rhilip/NexusPHP/commit/2a833ff |
ABOUT NexusPHP This Project NexusPHP is an open-sourced private tracker script written in PHP. It forks from the TBSource project and some other open-sourced projects. Please read the LICENSE file before using this project. Read the INSTALL file for information about how to use it. Read the RELEASENOTE file about this release. Visit http://www.nexusphp.com for more information about this project.