Moved all "Show" checkboxes into main options panel
Functions used in combat are now local for better perfomance
Fixed cooldown for enchants
Added TBC trinkets
Fixed a bug where ring frame was hidden when top ring slot was empty
Fixed a bug where ring frame went on cooldown, if a ring was changed in a different slot
Fixed a bug where item frame whouldn't be updated, if a new equiped item has the same ID but different enchant
WotLK Classic ready:
Removed CD swipe texture
Fixed critical error on addon load, that bricked whole addon
- Border now requires BackdropTemplate as default template
Fixed a bug where the frame border was not updating in real time from changing settings
- SetBackdrop now requires a new table as argument instead of table reference
Fixed desaturation
- SetDesaturated now requires true/false instead of 1/nil
Fixed item reequip with ctrl
- PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED now fired with false/true instead or 1/nil
- PickupInventoryItem() only checks dafault bag instead of all 5
Full Changelog: 2.1.0...2.2.0