Simple URL shortener developed with Flask backend using Tailwind CSS for styling.
URLs stored in a PostgreSQL database and is interfaced using SQLAlchemy.
Very early stages of development right now with plans to implement more features and refinements with a better user interface.
Requires a PostgreSQL database (you can use other databases but PostgreSQL is preferred for seamless integration).
- Clone the repository
- Create a virtual environment within the flask directory and activate:
python -m venv env
- Install dependencies/requirements using pip:
(venv) pip install -r requirements.txt
- In the flask folder, create a file which contains your db connection string (replace username, password, and database with your respective names):
DB_CONNECTION_STRING = 'postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/database'
- Run the app:
(venv) flask run
- Go to to try it out.
Use a front-end framework (probably React)(don't really need one, just using Tailwind for CSS now)Implement QR codes for shortened URLsDeploy the project somewhere(deployed on AWS currently, but probably will change)Use an actual database for storage of URLs (probably PostgreSQL)Add the about and contact pages- Use regex for better URL validation
- Might have to fix copy to clipboard for mobile
- Make common classes for buttons and stuff in tailwind
- Have a counter for amount of times a URL is visited
- Improve overall UI/UX
Support for small screens/mobile (i.e: hamburger menu)- Dark mode button (obviously not necessary I just think its cool)
Fix qrcode border(and make the qrcode cooler: maybe allow users to customise qrcode?)- Ability to expand qrcode when button is pressed
- Have a nice animated background for the page (maybe gradient?)
- Display shortened URLs in a list instead of one at a time
- Add success/fail messages for input and copy to clipboard
- File name for qrcode image should be destination URL
Background animation by a user on TailwindFlex