allows to subsribe to the betfair markets, pulls prices and pushes them to 0MQ bus so client application could subsribe to the events published thru the message bus.
- Erlsom for XML parsing
- Detergent for SOAP interactions
- log4erl for logging
- mochiweb for json parsing
- erlzmq - erlang bindings for 0MQ
- zeromq - 0MQ
bf_gateway uses rebar for building and wraps it in a Makefile for convenience. 0MQ - is c based, you might need to install the following packages: pkg-config, autoconf, automake and libtool (if you use MacOX, I would recommend to use macports). Otherwise you might get errors during build. more details could be found here:
First clone from GitHub:
$ git clone git://
Then change into the newly created directory:
$ cd bf_gateway
Add your betfair username and password into rel/files/app.config do the same in src/
then build release:
$ make rel
Rebar will first pull in dependencies from GitHub, attempt to build them all, then build bf_gateway.
start app with ./rel/bf_gateway/bin/bf_gateway console
if everything ok, you should see "succesfully logged to betfair"
after that you can run commands specified by betfair API e.g. bf_gateway:getMarketInfo(102873781).
- save BFExchangeService.wsdl and BFGlobalService.wsdl from betfair website to priv
- comment out <xsd:import namespace=""/> from wsdl files, as erlsom can't parse this namespace
- init models: Wsdl = detergent:initModel("file://../priv/BFGlobalService.wsdl"). Wsdl2 = detergent:initModel("file://../priv/BFExchangeService.wsdl").
- generate hrl records #detergent:write_hrl(Wsdl, "BFGlobalService.hrl"). #detergent:write_hrl(Wsdl2, "BFExchangeService.hrl"). detergent:write_hrl("file://./priv/BFGlobalService.wsdl", "BFGlobalService.hrl", "BFG"). detergent:write_hrl("file://./priv/BFExchangeService.wsdl", "BFExchangeService.hrl", "BFE").
make test