This bot is used to electronic system asses students.
First of all you have to Install Python 3.9 or high version. Current system uses relations pyTelegramBotAPI, bcrypt, aiogram and mysql-connector-python, because of that you have to pre-install them if they are not already installed.
pip install pyTelegramBotAPI bcrypt aiogram mysql-connector-python
Now you have to Install the bot it self, if git is already installed you may use command called.
git clone
Or you may use archive via link which you have to unpack after installation
Before you launch bot, you have to do next:
Import data base file telegram_bot.sql into MySQL server. Also, your server has to have your system`s database. Preferably to use MySQL 8.0 or higher. As a server we recommend to use OpenServer.
Then you have create a path to bot’s data base, and to electronic system. To make is possible you have to find methods those like query_to_bot_database and queryToDB and find in them some specific parameters. (for example lets look at the query_to_bot_database)
with connect(
These fields are used to gain an access to Data Base, and they have to be changed according to your settings.
host - Your MySQL servers address.
user and password - In these fields you have to mention user name and password, which is going to get an access to telegram_bot data base onto your MySQL server.
database - In this field you may claim a new name for your database.
- Change in field token onto personal token
Now you are allowed to launch bot.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.