Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit or higher (Scroll Down for Windows and MAC Operating System)
Should be facing internet directly with public IP & without NAT
Following network ports need to be open for the nodes to communicate
Port | Type | Definition |
8545 | TCP | RPC |
30303 | TCP/UDP | XDC |
Download XinFin One Click Installer (to setup Masternode) for Windows, Linux and mac OS
Community Forum update link: http://xinfin.net
Telegram Development Community: https://t.me/XinFinDevelopers
Slack Public Channel: https://xinfin-public.slack.com/messages/CELR2M831/
Operating System: Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit or higher (Scroll Down for Windows and MAC Operating System)
Should be facing internet directly with public IP & without NAT
Tools: Docker, Docker Compose(1.21.2+)
Setup (For Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit or higher Operating System)
git clone https://github.com/XinFinOrg/XinFin-Node.git
Enter XinFin-Node
cd XinFin-Node
sudo ./install_docker.sh
Create .env
file by using the sample - .env.example
Enter either your company or product name in the INSTANCE_NAME field.
Enter your email address in CONTACT_DETAILS field.
cp env.example .env
nano .env
For Mainnet
sudo docker-compose -f docker-services.yml up -d
You should be able to see your node listed on this page: https://xinfin.network Select Menu "Switch to TestNet" for TestNetwork and Select "Switch to LiveNet" to check LiveNetwork Stats.
Your coinbase address can be found in xdcchain/coinbase.txt file.
To stop the node or if you encounter any issues use::
sudo docker-compose -f docker-services.yml down
For Testnet
sudo docker-compose -f apothem-network.yml up -d
You should be able to see your node listed on this page: [https://apothem.network] Select "Switch to LiveNet" to check LiveNetwork Stats and Select "Switch to TestNet" for TestNetwork.
Your coinbase address can be found in xdcchain/coinbase.txt file.
To stop the node or if you encounter any issues use::
sudo docker-compose -f apothem-network.yml down
Public discussions on the technical issues, post articles and request for Enhancements and Technical Contributions.