Coordinator has been renamed in FlowCoordinator
NextFlowItem and NextFlowItems have been renamed in FlowContributor and FlowContributors
The FlowContributors enum entry .end (withStepForParentFlow: Step) has been renamed in .end (forwardToParentFlowWithStep: Step)
The FlowContributor class has been converted to an enum
In an effort to minimize the usage of objc_get/setAssociatedObject, each custom Stepper must declare a stored property steps as a PublishRelay
To trigger an initial Step inside a Stepper, an initialStep property has to be implemented
The callback function readyToEmitSteps() has been added to a Stepper. It is called once the Stepper can emit Steps
The reactive step property of a Stepper has been renamed in steps to reflect the plurality of the sequence
FlowCoordinator has been totally rewritten to improve memory management
HasDisposeBag has been removed from the project as it was not mandatory in the implementation and is not really related to RxFlow
The RxFlowStep enum is now provided to offer some common steps that can be used in lots of applications
Some of the old data structure names are still usable but have been explicitly deprecated
You can’t perform that action at this time.