Releases: RxSwiftCommunity/RxFlow
Releases · RxSwiftCommunity/RxFlow
- It is now possible to bypass the default behaviour of a FlowCoordinator and make it listen for steps emitted while the associated presentable is not currently visible (see FlowContributor.contribute(withNextPresentable: Presentable, withNextStepper: Stepper, allowStepWhenNotPresented: Bool = false)
- Makes framework use only extensions APIs for debug and archive
- FlowContributor.contribute(withNext:): shortcut function in case we have a single actor that is a Presentable and also a Stepper
- add SPM support (thanks to @MortyMerr)
- switch to GitHub Actions for the CI
- add a tech talk reference in the README file
- bump to Swift 5.1
- bump to RxSwift 5.0.1 (thanks to @rynecheow)
- Coordinator has been renamed in FlowCoordinator
- NextFlowItem and NextFlowItems have been renamed in FlowContributor and FlowContributors
- The FlowContributors enum entry .end (withStepForParentFlow: Step) has been renamed in .end (forwardToParentFlowWithStep: Step)
- The FlowContributor class has been converted to an enum
- In an effort to minimize the usage of objc_get/setAssociatedObject, each custom Stepper must declare a stored property steps as a PublishRelay
- To trigger an initial Step inside a Stepper, an initialStep property has to be implemented
- The callback function readyToEmitSteps() has been added to a Stepper. It is called once the Stepper can emit Steps
- The reactive step property of a Stepper has been renamed in steps to reflect the plurality of the sequence
- FlowCoordinator has been totally rewritten to improve memory management
- HasDisposeBag has been removed from the project as it was not mandatory in the implementation and is not really related to RxFlow
- The RxFlowStep enum is now provided to offer some common steps that can be used in lots of applications
- Some of the old data structure names are still usable but have been explicitly deprecated