This script will take a given query (ex. "select * from table") and run a "show session status" before and after that query. This script replaces the need to dump the output of queries to a file and vimdiff. This script is helpful for query performance tuning, making it easy to see how a query will impact your MySQL performance statistics.
The output of the script is the Delta between the two runs of the "show session status" command
This script requires DocOpt (Pythonic command line arguments parser, that will make you smile Also check out their github page at
Usage: queryStats [-v] -h HOST [-d DATABASE] (-s SOCKET | --port PORT) -u USERNAME -p [-f FILTER] -q QUERY ...
--help Print this help info.
-h --host HOSTNAME Specify MySQL hostname to connect to [default: localhost].
-d --db DATABASE Specify MySQL database [default: mysql].
-s --socket SOCKET Specify connection socket.
-P --port PORT Specify connection port [default: 3306].
-u --username USERNAME Specify your MySQL username.
-p --password Password mode.
-f --filter FILTER Specify filter keyword.
-q --query QUERY Specify Mysql query.
-v --verbose Specify to use verbose mode
Example usage:
% python queryStats -h localhost -d mysql -P 3306 -u ryan -p -q "Select * from users.information where user_id LIKE admin"
hostname: localhost
database: mysql
port: 3306
query: Select * from users.information where user_id LIKE admin
Bytes_received = 136 --> 177
Bytes_sent = 110 --> 8562
Com_show_grants = 0 --> 1
Com_show_status = 1 --> 2
Queries = 986 --> 988
Questions = 2 --> 4