#getting stated *This is a backend project that has RESTFUL API developed for a PIZZA DELIVERY company. This repository has been developed and still to be developed as the home work assignment in NodeJs master class. #####start the server run : exe.bat This backend could be running on two enviroments *staging http://localhost:3000 *production http://localhost:3001 Basic ping for the first test to see weather the RESTFUL API is working or not working. */ping http://localhost:3000/ping
This RESTFUL API includes these microservices and they have their own CRUD OPERATIONS available.
//backend 'api/users' : handlers.users, 'api/tokens' : handlers.tokens, 'validates/validates' : handlers.validation, 'api/logout' : logout.users, 'items/availableItems' : availableItems.gui.available, 'orders/orders' : orders.item, 'buy/purchase' : purchase.pay, 'api/buyNow' : purchase.pay,
//frontend 'account/create' : handlers.gui.createAccount, 'order/edit' : orders.gui.edit, 'account/edit' : handlers.gui.editAccount, 'payment' : purchase.gui.pay, 'successTransaction' : purchase.gui.success, 'discription' : orders.gui.discription,
'session/delete' : logout.gui.logout, 'session/create' : handlers.gui.login, 'favicon' : handlers.gui.favicon,
'orders/dashboard' : orders.gui.dashboard, 'error' : error.gui.error
added features password and email is encrypted provide a token as soon as user created for the immediate login
HTTP success/error codes used: 200 Success, request performed as expected.
201 Created, object created
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorized
403 No permission
404 Not found
405 Method not allowed
413 Requested entity too large
415 Unsupported media
422 Validation error
429 Too many requests
500 Internal server error, Email error
#Error responses Errors are returned in JSON, with a top-level errors key containing an array of errors that have been generated (validations can trigger multiple errors).
Each error currently has a message and an errorType.
This error response format is likely to get an overhaul in the near future.
Examples 401 Unauthorised { { "error": "failed to Validate" } } 422 Unprocessable Entity { "error": "unauthorized entry" }
#User Authentication How to utilise user auth to make private API requests Before making a request using curl, you will need two pieces of information:
user email user password
curl -H password:***** -X POST http://localhost:3000/api/tokens?email=*****@*.com
#Create account
curl -X POST
'http://localhost:3000/api/users?email=[your email]'
-d '{
"address":"[your address]",
"password":"[your password]"
#login to the account
curl -X POST
-d '{
"address":"[your address]",
"password":"[your password]"