An overview of various projects involving real life applications of Machine Learning!
View this repository in VS Code by clicking here
Click here
Choose a project and open a file
You can now look through the code!
To interact with and run the code, click on the 'Execute on Binder' button on the top right of the screen. (This will take a considerable amount of time to load)
Once loaded, you can download the file to save your changes
You can also download the .ipynb files in this repository and upload them in Google Colab here
Alternatively, if you want to run .ipynb files on your local machine, you can download jupyter notebook by running
pip install notebook
and then runningjupyter notebook
. Read more here
Download the code
git clone
Navigate to the directory
cd Machine-Learning-Applications
Follow the instructions in your specific project's folder
Ted Talk: The Wonderful and Terrifying Implications of Computers that Can Learn
Ted Talk: The Jobs We'll Lose to Machines -- and the Ones We Won't
Datasets for ML Applications can be found on Kaggle and Google Dataset Search