This is my Pseudo Tamagotchi App made with Rails and Javascript that allows users to create a pet and perform activities with it to change it's current mood.
In order to use this app, clone it, run "bundle install" to install the dependencies, and run the rails server in your terminal before opening the index.html file in your browser.
Create your pet by entering your pet's name and owner name in the form and then selecting the type of pet from the dropdown list of pet types.
You will then see your pet appear on the page along with a pet stats bar and a set of activities to interact with your pet.
From here you can select any of the activities and see what affect they each have on your pet's mood.
Additionally, you can edit your pet's name and owner.
The user can also choose to create an entirely new pet at any time.
Have Fun!
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gems used in this app are available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2020 S. Makai Takori