This is a Doggy Airbnb App made with Rails that allows users to book reservations with the doggy hotel of their choice. In order to use this app, clone it, run "bundle install" to install the dependencies, and run rails db:seed for the hotels to be created. Run rails server in your terminal and go to the localhost on the specific port shown in the terminal.
Create your doggy profile by selecting signup on the welcome page, or log in with the regular log in button or 'log in with google' button, if you already have an account.
You will then be taken to your Doggy homepage.
From here you can select the 'Browse Hotels' button on the page to look through the list of available luxury doggy hotels.
After selecting a hotel, click the 'Reserve your stay today' link underneath the hotel of your choice.
You will be taken to the reservation form, where you will fill out your information and book your reservation.
You will then be given a confirmation message and taken to see your final reservation details.
You can edit or cancel your reservation from there or choose to go back home and browse more hotels to book with.
You also have the option to select 'Log Out' to log out of your account.
Have Fun!
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gems used in this app are available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2020 S. Makai Takori