German Translation of the OpenChain curriculum (currently inofficial)
moc.resiehnaht 'TA' ed-noitalsnart-mulucirruc :(sdrawkcab) tcatnoC
For the official OpenChain curriculum, please refer to
- Finished initial translation of
- Curriculum slides (folder /slides)
- Checklists (folder /checklists)
- Flowcharts (folder /flowcharts)
- two guide documents (compliance_practices.docx and engineer_practices.docx within folder /guides)
- Licensed all translation work under the CC-0
To the extent possible under law, Stefan Thanheiser (with both his GitHub Users 'SThanheiser' (private Github user name) and 'FiduciaGAD-SThanheiser' (corporate Github user name) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to all his work on This work is published from: Germany.
Der OpenChain Curriculum Foliensatz stellt Referenzmaterial zur Verfügung, welches Unternehmen dabei unterstützen soll, ein OpenChain-konformes Compliance-Trainingsprogramm aufzusetzen - oder ein bestehendes Trainigsprogramm auf OpenChain-Konformität auszubauen.
Die Personen, die das Curriculum unter CC-0 bereitgestellt haben, haben dieses Werk in die Gemeinfreiheit - auch genannt Public Domain - entlassen, indem sie weltweit auf alle urheberrechtlichen und verwandten Schutzrechte verzichtet haben, soweit das gesetzlich möglich ist.
Sie sollten zusammen mit dem vorliegenden Werk eine Kopie des CC0-Legalcodes erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe
The OpenChain Curriculum slide deck provides reference material, intended to help companies either get started with an OpenChain conferment compliance training program, or to expand on existing training programs to help conform with the OpenChain Specification.
To the extent possible under law, the people who associated CC0 with the Curriculum have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the Curriculum.
You should have received a copy of the CC0 legalcode along with this work. If not, see