"Teach thy never like the neighbour you wanna be teached like. - Matty Matheson"
- Flatbread
A website for recipes.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development. See Deployment section for notes on how to deploy the project to a production environment.
- Your local development environment has has Git, Node.js, and NPM installed.
- You have the project cloned into your local development environment:
git clone https://github.com/SamSverko/flatbread.git
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the website in development mode:
npm run dev
- Development website is hosted at http://localhost:3000.
Every push to the main
branch will deploy a new build to production. The production website can be viewed at https://flatbread.vercel.app.
To deploy this app to a production environment that fits your needs, refer to the Next.js "Deploying" docs.
To build the website for a production environment:
npm run build
- Frontend framework: Next.js
- Static types: TypeScript
- Recipe data storage: Markdown files
- Website hosting: Vercel
The project version is updated whenever code is pushed to the main
branch. However, the project version is not updated when recipe files are added, removed, or edited.
This project uses CalVer as the project versioning convention.
CalVer scheme: YYYY.0M.0D_MICRO
- Full year (e.g.2024
= 2024).0M
- Zero-padded month (e.g.09
= September).0D
- Zero-padded day (e.g.04
= Fourth day of the month)._MICRO
- Version released (e.g._2
= second release under the sameYYYY.0M.0D
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.