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API: Users

Fasih Awan edited this page Mar 12, 2016 · 8 revisions

This page will detail how to work with the User model. The User model is created when a user creates an account, which is covered under API: Authentication - Sign up.




Only the signed in user can access or modify it. The only alternative is when a user needs to reset their forgotten password.


Field Name Type Required? Default Value Read Only? Description
email string Yes No The user's email address which is specified during registration
first_name string No '' No The user's first name
last_name string No '' No The user's last name
password string Yes No The user's password, encrypted before saved
is_superuser boolean No false No Flag that is used to determine if user has escalated permissions
date_joined datetime Yes Yes The time the object is created. It is auto-generated


To update a user's information, you can send a PATCH request to /api/users/update_details. There is no need to put any identifiers in the URL, all of that will go in the body. The user's current password is a required field in the request.

Required Fields

Name Type Description
current-password string The user's current password

Status Codes

200: The user was updated successfully

400: There were bad or missing values in the request body

Example Request

PATCH /api/users/update_details
Authorization: Token <token>
    "current-password": "mypassword",
    "email": "[email protected]"

Example Response

    "id": 21,
    "is_superuser": false,
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "username": "jc123",
    "email": "[email protected]"

Get User

To get a user's details, you can send a GET request to /api/users/{id} where id is the current user's id.

Required Fields

Name Type Description
id int The user's id

Status Codes

200: Success

400: There were bad or missing values in the request body

404: User was not found

Example Request

GET /api/users/41
Authorization: Token <token>

Example Response

    "id": 21,
    "is_superuser": false,
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "username": "jc123",
    "email": "[email protected]"

User - Password

Reset Password

To reset a user's password, there is a 2 step process. The first step is to send a POST request to /api/passwords/reset_password. The only field required is email.

Required Fields

Name Type Description
email string The user's email address used to register the account with

Status Codes

200: Successful request. The password reset link has been queued for email delivery.

400: Missing or invalid data in request body

404: No user with that email exists

Example Request

POST /api/passwords/reset_password
    "email": "[email protected]"

Once this step has been completed, the user will receive a password reset link in an email. The link expires in 48 hours. In order to complete the password reset, send a POST request to /api/passwords/reset_password_complete.

Required Fields

Name Type Description
new_password string The user's new password
password_confirmation string The new password repeated
reset_token string The password reset token that is part of the URL the user used to access page

Status Codes

201: User's password token successfully created and queued for email 400: Missing or invalid data in request body. This could include mismatching password and password confirmations

Example Request

PATCH /api/passwords/reset_password_complete
    "new_password": "newpass",
    "password_confirmation": "newpass",
    "reset_token": "49v-6bf384458f725125c0b7"