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Sanketh B K edited this page Sep 30, 2024 · 1 revision

Notes folder has the logic for CRUD operations for notes. FlutterQuill is used as rich text editor.

This is the schema of the notes entity:

Notes {
  final String id;
  final DateTime createdAt;
  final String title;
  final String body;
  final String hash;
  final DateTime lastModified;
  final String plainText;
  final List<NoteAsset> assetDependencies;
  final bool deleted;
  final String? authorId;
  • id: An UUID will be generated when a new note is created. It will be used as unique identifier for a note. After cloud-sync ID of a note will remain same across multiple devices.
  • createdAt: Indicates the timestamp at which note was created. Can be set by user during note-creation. Its shown in home page and read-only page.
  • title: Title of note.
  • body: Output of FlutterQuill's controller stored in the form of JSON. Indicates the contents of rich-text editor.
  • hash: The hash value is SHA1 hash of note's title + note's body + note's created_at timestamp. This hash serves as a digital fingerprint, if either note's title, body or created_at changes, then note's SHA1 hash changes and it will be synced to cloud.
  • lastModified: Will hold the last modified timestamp of a note. Is used during cloud-syncup to determine which copy of note is newest.
  • plainText: All contents of rich-text editor are also stored as plain text. Is used for search functionality.
  • assetDependencies: Holds details of external assets associated with a note, like images and videos. We store the path names of each external assets in Note_dependencies table, as we also need to sync external assets during cloud-syncup.
  • deleted: Will indicate if a note is deleted. When user deletes a note, all external assets, title and body of a note are set to null or empty text and deleted is set to true. Because we also need to delete that note in cloud.
  • authorId: Stores the user ID generated by firebase. In case multiple accounts are registered on same device, it will be used to isolate the notes of one user from another.
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