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@Sbozzolo Sbozzolo released this 18 Apr 18:39
· 368 commits to master since this release

Version 1.1.0 (18 April 2021)

New module: argparse_helper

The argparse_helper module collects functions to set up arguments for command-line scripts. It comes with options for working with figure, grid data, and horizons. Options can be stored in text files and read passing the path to the -c flag.

Faster HierarchicalGridData

The function that finds the component corresponding to a given point in HierarchicalGridData was significantly sped up by adopting the algorithm used in PostCactus (developed by Wolfgang Kastaun). This new algorithm is significantly faster, but it will not work in case the refinement factors across different levels are not constant integers. In that case (e.g., the refinement boundaries are at 1, 2, and 6), the older algorithm will be used. For large towers of refinement levels and hundreds of MPI processes, the new algorithm is orders of magnitude faster.


Now kuibit comes with runnable examples. These are production-grade codes that you can immediately use for your simulations. They are a great way to learn about how to use kuibit. The examples included are:



  • Releases are now automatically pushed to PyPI.


  • Added method to compute the linear momentum lost by gravitational waves
  • Now the method save in UniformGridData supports .npz files. This is the recommend and fastest way to save a UniformGridData to disk.
  • The function load_UniformGridData can now read .npz files.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug that, under certain circumstances, resulted in cactus_grid_function not correctly indexing all the 3D data files
  • Fixed a test that was triggering the wrong error.
  • Fixed a bug that made ra_dec_to_theta_phi depend on the local time

Breaking changes

  • finest_level_component_at_point is now finest_component_at_point and returns directly the component as UniformGridData as opposed to the
    refinement level and component number.