Releases: Schallbert/QR-codengrave
Releases · Schallbert/QR-codengrave
Tapered tool calculation, major bugfix, minor optimizations
This release uses the pathfinding algo from 1.1 but has some tweaks in the details:
- QR-codengrave version now mentioned in the G-code file
prefix add in file save dialog- Bugfix for tool selection in G-code that (at least on my machine) wouldn't have the tool change macro called
- Some corner case "throw exception" issues fixed
- Better and more unit tests
QR-codengrave V1.1
- Upgraded path algorithm for lower machining times
- Several bugfixes (see commit history)
- Fully backwards-compatible to V1.0
Initial release for Windows
Initial Release.
- Drawing preview
- Tool table and selection
- Persistence module working
- XY-0-offsets
- Engrave parameter selection
- G-code export working (*.tap)
- Unit tests for QR-code path generator and G-code generator
Future features to implement:
- Optimize Drawing algorithm for speed
- Optimize path generator algorithm for less Z movements
- Add integration tests for GUI