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Merge pull request #246 from SciML/fm/inits
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Adding chaotic and chebyshev inits
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MartinuzziFrancesco authored Feb 2, 2025
2 parents 5d65ff8 + 2391a20 commit da1935b
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Showing 5 changed files with 201 additions and 9 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "ReservoirComputing"
uuid = "7c2d2b1e-3dd4-11ea-355a-8f6a8116e294"
authors = ["Francesco Martinuzzi"]
version = "0.10.8"
version = "0.10.9"

Adapt = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e"
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/api/
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Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@

## Reservoirs
Expand All @@ -18,4 +19,5 @@
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/ReservoirComputing.jl
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Expand Up @@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ include("reca/reca_input_encodings.jl")
export NLADefault, NLAT1, NLAT2, NLAT3
export StandardStates, ExtendedStates, PaddedStates, PaddedExtendedStates
export StandardRidge
export scaled_rand, weighted_init, informed_init, minimal_init
export rand_sparse, delay_line, delay_line_backward, cycle_jumps, simple_cycle, pseudo_svd
export scaled_rand, weighted_init, informed_init, minimal_init, chebyshev_mapping
export rand_sparse, delay_line, delay_line_backward, cycle_jumps,
simple_cycle, pseudo_svd, chaotic_init
export RNN, MRNN, GRU, GRUParams, FullyGated, Minimal
export train
export ESN, HybridESN, KnowledgeModel, DeepESN
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191 changes: 189 additions & 2 deletions src/esn/esn_inits.jl
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Expand Up @@ -282,6 +282,86 @@ function _create_irrational(irrational::Irrational, start::Int, res_size::Int,
return T.(input_matrix)

chebyshev_mapping([rng], [T], dims...;
amplitude=one(T), sine_divisor=one(T),
chebyshev_parameter=one(T), return_sparse=true)
Generate a Chebyshev-mapped matrix [^xie2024]. The first row is initialized
using a sine function and subsequent rows are iteratively generated
via the Chebyshev mapping. The first row is defined as:
w(1, j) = amplitude * sin(j * π / (sine_divisor * n_cols))
for j = 1, 2, …, n_cols (with n_cols typically equal to K+1, where K is the number of input layer neurons).
Subsequent rows are generated by applying the mapping:
w(i+1, j) = cos(chebyshev_parameter * acos(w(i, j)))
# Arguments
- `rng`: Random number generator. Default is `Utils.default_rng()`
from WeightInitializers.
- `T`: Type of the elements in the reservoir matrix.
Default is `Float32`.
- `dims`: Dimensions of the matrix. Should follow `res_size x in_size`. Here, res_size is assumed to be K+1.
# Keyword arguments
- `amplitude`: Scaling factor used to initialize the first row.
This parameter adjusts the amplitude of the sine function. Default value is one.
- `sine_divisor`: Divisor applied in the sine function's phase. Default value is one.
- `chebyshev_parameter`: Control parameter for the Chebyshev mapping in
subsequent rows. This parameter influences the distribution of the
matrix elements. Default is one.
- `return_sparse`: If `true`, the function returns the matrix as a sparse matrix. Default is `false`.
# Examples
julia> input_matrix = chebyshev_mapping(10, 3)
10×3 Matrix{Float32}:
0.866025 0.866025 1.22465f-16
0.866025 0.866025 -4.37114f-8
0.866025 0.866025 -4.37114f-8
0.866025 0.866025 -4.37114f-8
0.866025 0.866025 -4.37114f-8
0.866025 0.866025 -4.37114f-8
0.866025 0.866025 -4.37114f-8
0.866025 0.866025 -4.37114f-8
0.866025 0.866025 -4.37114f-8
0.866025 0.866025 -4.37114f-8
[^xie2024]: Xie, Minzhi, Qianxue Wang, and Simin Yu.
"Time Series Prediction of ESN Based on Chebyshev Mapping and Strongly
Connected Topology."
Neural Processing Letters 56.1 (2024): 30.
function chebyshev_mapping(rng::AbstractRNG, ::Type{T}, dims::Integer...;
amplitude::AbstractFloat=one(T), sine_divisor::AbstractFloat=one(T),
return_sparse::Bool=false) where {T <: Number}
input_matrix = DeviceAgnostic.zeros(rng, T, dims...)
n_rows, n_cols = dims[1], dims[2]

for idx_cols in 1:n_cols
input_matrix[1, idx_cols] = amplitude * sin(idx_cols * pi / (sine_divisor * n_cols))
for idx_rows in 2:n_rows
for idx_cols in 1:n_cols
input_matrix[idx_rows, idx_cols] = cos(chebyshev_parameter * acos(input_matrix[
idx_rows - 1, idx_cols]))

return return_sparse ? sparse(input_matrix) : input_matrix

### reservoirs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -672,11 +752,118 @@ function get_sparsity(M, dim)
return size(M[M .!= 0], 1) / (dim * dim - size(M[M .!= 0], 1)) #nonzero/zero elements

function digital_chaotic_adjacency(rng::AbstractRNG, bit_precision::Integer;
matrix_order = 2^(2 * bit_precision)
adjacency_matrix = zeros(Int, matrix_order, matrix_order)
for row_index in 1:(matrix_order - 1)
adjacency_matrix[row_index, row_index + 1] = 1
adjacency_matrix[matrix_order, 1] = 1
for row_index in 1:matrix_order, column_index in 1:matrix_order
if row_index != column_index && rand(rng) < extra_edge_probability
adjacency_matrix[row_index, column_index] = 1

return adjacency_matrix

chaotic_init([rng], [T], dims...;
extra_edge_probability=T(0.1), spectral_radius=one(T),
Construct a chaotic reservoir matrix using a digital chaotic system [^xie2024].
The matrix topology is derived from a strongly connected adjacency
matrix based on a digital chaotic system operating at finite precision.
If the requested matrix order does not exactly match a valid order the
closest valid order is used.
# Arguments
- `rng`: Random number generator. Default is `Utils.default_rng()`
from WeightInitializers.
- `T`: Type of the elements in the reservoir matrix.
Default is `Float32`.
- `dims`: Dimensions of the reservoir matrix.
# Keyword arguments
- `extra_edge_probability`: Probability of adding extra random edges in
the adjacency matrix to enhance connectivity. Default is 0.1.
- `desired_spectral_radius`: The target spectral radius for the
reservoir matrix. Default is one.
- `return_sparse_matrix`: If `true`, the function returns the
reservoir matrix as a sparse matrix. Default is `true`.
# Examples
julia> res_matrix = chaotic_init(8, 8)
┌ Warning:
│ Adjusting reservoir matrix order:
│ from 8 (requested) to 4
│ based on computed bit precision = 1.
└ @ ReservoirComputing ~/.julia/dev/ReservoirComputing/src/esn/esn_inits.jl:805
4×4 SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{Float32, Int64} with 6 stored entries:
⋅ -0.600945 ⋅ ⋅
⋅ ⋅ 0.132667 2.21354
⋅ -2.60383 ⋅ -2.90391
-0.578156 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
[^xie2024]: Xie, Minzhi, Qianxue Wang, and Simin Yu.
"Time Series Prediction of ESN Based on Chebyshev Mapping and Strongly
Connected Topology."
Neural Processing Letters 56.1 (2024): 30.
function chaotic_init(rng::AbstractRNG, ::Type{T}, dims::Integer...;
extra_edge_probability::AbstractFloat=T(0.1), spectral_radius::AbstractFloat=one(T),
return_sparse_matrix::Bool=true) where {T <: Number}
requested_order = first(dims)
if length(dims) > 1 && dims[2] != requested_order
@warn """\n
Using dims[1] = $requested_order for the chaotic reservoir matrix order.\n
d_estimate = log2(requested_order) / 2
d_floor = max(floor(Int, d_estimate), 1)
d_ceil = ceil(Int, d_estimate)
candidate_order_floor = 2^(2 * d_floor)
candidate_order_ceil = 2^(2 * d_ceil)
chosen_bit_precision = abs(candidate_order_floor - requested_order) <=
abs(candidate_order_ceil - requested_order) ? d_floor : d_ceil
actual_matrix_order = 2^(2 * chosen_bit_precision)
if actual_matrix_order != requested_order
@warn """\n
Adjusting reservoir matrix order:
from $requested_order (requested) to $actual_matrix_order
based on computed bit precision = $chosen_bit_precision. \n

random_weight_matrix = T(2) * rand(rng, T, actual_matrix_order, actual_matrix_order) .-
adjacency_matrix = digital_chaotic_adjacency(
rng, chosen_bit_precision; extra_edge_probability=extra_edge_probability)
reservoir_matrix = random_weight_matrix .* adjacency_matrix
current_spectral_radius = maximum(abs, eigvals(reservoir_matrix))
if current_spectral_radius != 0
reservoir_matrix .*= spectral_radius / current_spectral_radius

return return_sparse_matrix ? sparse(reservoir_matrix) : reservoir_matrix

### fallbacks
#fallbacks for initializers #eventually to remove once migrated to WeightInitializers.jl
for initializer in (:rand_sparse, :delay_line, :delay_line_backward, :cycle_jumps,
:simple_cycle, :pseudo_svd,
:scaled_rand, :weighted_init, :informed_init, :minimal_init)
:simple_cycle, :pseudo_svd, :chaotic_init,
:scaled_rand, :weighted_init, :informed_init, :minimal_init, :chebyshev_mapping)
@eval begin
function ($initializer)(dims::Integer...; kwargs...)
return $initializer(Utils.default_rng(), Float32, dims...; kwargs...)
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions test/esn/test_inits.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
using ReservoirComputing, LinearAlgebra, Random, SparseArrays

const res_size = 30
const in_size = 3
const res_size = 16
const in_size = 4
const radius = 1.0
const sparsity = 0.1
const weight = 0.2
Expand All @@ -24,13 +24,15 @@ reservoir_inits = [
input_inits = [
minimal_init(; sampling_type=:irrational)
minimal_init(; sampling_type=:irrational),

@testset "Reservoir Initializers" begin
Expand Down

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