NURO case study is for evaluation of
This is a clone of the SeaClouds - NURO CaseStudy SVN repository
See Deliverable D6.3.1, D6.3.2 and D6.3.3 for details.
Additional resources can be found here:
Each package has a ZIP and a folder. The ZIP is the plain module for deployment. Within the folders you can find additional files suitable for cloud foundry and other.
This is the NURO API, usable as game server plugin and stand alone.
This is the NURO GUI, usble for benchmarking and simulation of an API deployment.
This is NURO API + NURO GUI for single node deployment.
This is for cloud foundry PaaS deployment onely and is based on
The configuration is extended for SeaClouds environmental configuration.
info.php for diagnostics is added.
Android and Windows Version are avaiable.