WARNING: THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN MIGRATED TO https://atlassian.petermac.org.au/bitbucket/projects/SJDAW/repos/mismatchfinder AND IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED AT THIS LOCATION.
The MisMatchFinder algorithm identifies mismatches within reads compared to the reference genome and filters background noise unrelated to somatic mutations through:
- the use of high thresholds for mapping and base quality,
- strict consensus between overlapping read-pairs,
- gnomAD-based germline variant filtering,
- and a ctDNA-centric fragmentomics filter
Install time is 100% dependent on the compile time and therefore different between systems, but on a standard x86 laptop compile time is typically less than 2 minutes.
Requirements: Rust
- Clone this repository
- Build the release optimised binary with
cargo build -r
- Move the binary (
) into the$PATH
To ensure optimal results, please use the gnomAD echtvar (available from https://github.com/brentp/echtvar/releases) or an eqivalent echtvar file
mismatchfinder [OPTIONS] --output <OUTPUT_FOLDER> [--] [BAMS]...
<BAMS>... Bams to analyse
--blacklist_bed <BLACKLIST_FILE>
Bed file for genomic regions to ignore in the analysis. White list bed file regions
overwrite black list regions
--fragment_length_intervals <FRAGMENT_LENGTH_INTERVALS>...
Length of fragments to be considered in the analysis [default: 100-150 250-325]
--germline_file <GERMLINE_FILE>
File to read germline information from default is an echtvar file
-h, --help
Print help information
--maximum_edit_distance_per_read <MAX_EDIT_DISTANCE_PER_READ>
Maximum mismatches we allow in the read [default: 15]
--minimum_average_base_quality <MIN_AVERAGE_BASE_QUALITY>
Mimimum average base quality of the read [default: 25]
--minimum_edit_distance_per_read <MIN_EDIT_DISTANCE_PER_READ>
Mimimum mismatches we require in the read [default: 1]
-o, --output <OUTPUT_FOLDER>
Output folder to write files to
only use the overlap of the two reads
overwrite previous results
-q, --minimum_mapping_quality <MIN_MAPPING_QUALITY>
Mimimum mapping quality for a read to be considered [default: 20]
-Q, --minimum_base_quality <MIN_BASE_QUALITY>
Mimimum base quality of the mismatch (BQ is summed for a readpair if reads agree)
[default: 65]
only analyse mismatches if the read pair agree (does not restrict to only overlap)
-V, --version
Print version information
--whitelist_bed <WHITELIST_FILE>
Bed file for genomic regions to include in the analysis. White list bed file regions
overwrite black list regions [default: all regions]
With the example bam runing the default analysis with the provided whitelist we generate the vcf output example_bamsites.vcf.gz
please refer to echtvar release to download the echtvar reference for gnomad v3.1.2
Runtime of this step should be less than 20 seconds on the test data
$ mismatchfinder --germline_file /path/to/echtvarfile/gnomad.v3.1.2.echtvar.v2.zip --whitelist_bed /path/to/whitelist.bed -o /path/to/outputfolder/--strict_overlaps --only_overlaps /path/to/example.bam
2023-12-08T04:15:16.586Z INFO [mismatchfinder] Found 8738 mismatches
2023-12-08T04:15:18.389Z INFO [mismatchfinder] Found 828 somatic mismatches
once we have the vcf (can be found in the examplefolder), we can perform signature deconvolution in R once both data.table and sigminer are installed
maf <- sigminer::read_vcf("example_bamsites.vcf.gz", genome_build = "hg38")
tally <- sigminer::sig_tally(maf, mode="SBS", ref_genome="BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38")
# get the relative signature weights
SBSfit <- sigminer::sig_fit(t(tally$nmf_matrix), sig_index = signatures_selection, sig_db = "SBS", return_class = "data.table", mode="SBS", type="relative")
#plot the signature weights (highlighting SBS7a)
plot(1:ncol(SBSfit[,-1]), round(SBSfit[1,-1], digits=5), type='h', lwd=4, lend=1, col=ifelse(colnames(SBSfit[1,-1])=="SBS7a", "red", "black"), xlab="", ylab="Signature weight", las=2, xaxt='n', bty='n')
text(1:ncol(SBSfit[,-1]), line2user(0,1), labels = colnames(SBSfit[,-1]), srt=45, adj=1, cex=0.5, xpd=TRUE, col=ifelse(colnames(SBSfit[1,-1])=="SBS7a", "black", "lightgrey"))
the output on the test data will look similar to this
- No CRAM support yet
- Zarr support only rudimentary