Vuex-ORM plugin to enable syncing data to a server using Axios. Define your models, configure some api actions and let the plugin do the...REST
- Vuex
- Vuex-orm
npm install --save vuex-orm-rest-framework
// store.js
import { YourModel } from './models'
import {
} from 'vuex-orm-rest-framework'
// Vuex/Vuex-ORM setup
const database = new VuexORM.Database()
// Configure your base api instance.
const Api = new RestFramework({
axiosConfig: {
baseURL: '',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
validateStatus: function (status) {
return status < 400
} of your axios config (see
// Modify axios instance if desired
Api.client.interceptors.request.use(function (config) {
return config;
}, function (error) {
// Do something with request error
return Promise.reject(error);
// Register plugin with Vuex-ORM
VuexORM.use(VuexOrmRestFramework, Api)
// models.js
import { Actions } from 'vuex-orm-rest-framework'
class YourModel extends Model {
static entity = 'users'
static fields () {
return {
id: this.attr(null),
name: this.attr('')
static methodConf = {
baseURL: 'users',
methods: {
fetch: {
action: Actions.Fetch,
url: '/',
create: {
url: '/',
action: Actions.Create,
update: {
url: '/:id',
action: Actions.Update,
retrieve: {
url: '/:id',
action: Actions.Retrieve,
delete: {
url: '/:id',
action: Actions.Delete,
Now you are able to access the methods defined in your model methodConf like so:
// MyComponent.vue
import { YourModel } from './models'
Action - an api call which results in vuex data being modified.
URL parameters - parameter in a url like an id e.g.{id}
Query parameters - url encoded query params e.g. ?foo=bar
By default there are 5 actions available:
- Fetch (GET)
- Retrieve (GET)
- Delete (DELETE)
- Create (POST)
- Update (PUT)
To define an api action for a model provide a methodConf on your model.
import { Actions } from 'vuex-orm-rest-framework'
class YourModel extends Model {
static entity = 'users'
static methodConf = {
baseURL: 'users',
methods: {
fetch: {
url: '/',
action: Actions.Fetch
update: {
url: '/:id',
action: Actions.Update
Using the quick start config, urls for an action are built up as follows: + users + /
VuexOrmRestFrameworkPlugin.axiosConfig.baseURL + Model.methodConf.baseURL + Model.methodConf.methods.{action}.url
You may notice :id
in the update action url. This will get replaced when you provide
a url object to your action call.
To call the action, simply import the model into your Vue component and access it via your model's api() method:
Data, URL & query params:
url: { 'id': 1 }, // this replaces :id in your action url
data: { name: 'Steve' }, // self-explanatory
params: { 'foo': 'bar' } // query parameters
// additional axios config
headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer xyz123' }
Calling actions will return an object containing the response and instances affected by the api call.
const response = YourModel.api().create({data: { name: 'Steve' }})
// returns an axios response:
// { data: {…}, status: 201, statusText: "Created", headers: {…}, config: {…}, request: XMLHttpRequest }
// returns created Vuex-ORM objects:
// {"users":[{"id":11,"name":"Steve","username":"","email":""}]}
- call
- beforeDispatch
- getEndpoint
- dispatch
- onSuccess/onError
- persist (insert/delete/update)
- afterDispatch
Feel free to check the source code for arguments. All these methods can be overridden in your methodConf like so:
update: {
url: '/:id',
action: Actions.Update,
overrides: {
onError (error) {
// custom behaviour
Using existing actions as a template, you can define any number of custom actions. Just add a new entry to your model methodConf and override desired methods.
Take this slightly awkward example:
You have some UI with a selectable list of users and a submit button. Selected users are deactivated. To accomplish this you use an endpoint that takes multiple ids from query parameters and updates the corresponding user objects' status via a POST request, returning a 200 response and the updated data (status).
By default, the Create
action uses POST but insertOrUpdate to persist whatever data is returned from the server.
You want to use the query params you sent up in where
, to use Vuex-ORM's update
To do this you need to override persist
as follows:
updateMulti: {
action: Create,
url: '/',
overrides: {
persist: function ({ params, data, url }) {
console.log('Overriden persist')
return this.model.update({ where: params.ids, data })
This plugin supports all major browsers including IE 11
- Generic actions - PatchAction, PostAction
- Pagination
- Entity-level api context e.g. loading, errors