This recyclable coffee cup classification code was used at the KB Kookmin Bank Software Competition.
We created an automated collecting system that can identify recyclable coffee cups in real-time.
We used the pre-trained ResNet18 as the backbone.
In our experiments, we use our custom dataset. The datasets should be put in data, respecting the following tree directory:
|-- data
`-- |-- coffeecup
`-- |-- train
| |-- plastic
| |-- paper
| |-- paper_in
| |-- waste
`-- valid
|-- plastic
|-- paper
|-- paper_in
|-- waste
`-- test
|-- plastic
|-- paper
|-- paper_in
|-- waste
To train and infer, we provide two scripts with suggestive names. For training, you can train a model by executing the train script:
For inference:
- ResNet [paper]