Atlas contains several folders with different functionalities.
analyze_codes: The scripts associated with how to analyze the obtained/existing traces are put here. (May be merged with the folder plot latter)
conduct_measurements: The scripts used to conduct the different kinds of active measurements are put in this folder.
figures_and_tables: The obtained figures and tables are stored here to simplify writting reports and showing the results.
plot: The scripts belong to this folder are used to generate the figures using the already analyzed traces. This folder may merge with the folder analyze_codes someday, when we need to produce the figures as long as the traces are analyzed.
traces: A folder used to store the download traces, which can be further divied into "Built-in_measurement_traces" and "Produced_traces".
Before executing the scripts, some environment variables should be added in ~/.bash_profile:
export ATLAS_ANALYZE_TRACES=$HOME/Documents/Codes/Atlas/analyze_traces
export ATLAS_CONDUCT_MEASUREMENTS=$HOME/Documents/Codes/Atlas/conduct_measurements
export ATLAS_FIGURES_AND_TABLES=$HOME/Documents/Codes/Atlas/figures_and_tables
export ATLAS_PLOT=$HOME/Documents/Codes/Atlas/plot
export ATLAS_TRACES=$HOME/Documents/Codes/Atlas/traces
export ATLAS_WENQIN_CODES=$HOME/Documents/Codes/Atlas/Wenqin_codes
export ATLAS_AUTH=$HOME/Documents/Codes/Atlas/auth