sensenet app start and configuration improvements
636 commits
to master
since this release
This release contains new features, bug fixes and package additions to support the upcoming service infrastructure.
New OData features
- We improved the GetAcl action to prepare it for client-side permission editing.
Backend improvements
- Backend packages and service registration methods are being refactored to let developers start sensenet applications a lot easier.
- We ported the previous .Net Framework setting for defining an upload size limit in the system.
- A new Email configuration has been added to let developers and operators provide email server information easily.
Bug fixes
- Content Type Definition operations now work correctly: it is possible to delete a CTD and add-remove fields through the OData REST api.
- Alowed child types list is now filtered for distinct values to avoid confusion.
- We added a couple of missing actions for content types that were not available before.
- The Effective allowed types field now returns only the available types correctly (or an empty list if there is none).
- We removed the Add action from the ContextMenu scenario.
sensenet as a service improvements
- Default user type and groups is now configurable. This involved simplifying startup configuration of sensenet to unify app startup processes.
- We are constantly working on improving our documentation. This time we added code documentation for the most common OData actions.
To get started please follow the instructions in the Install sensenet from NuGet article.