Field registration and binary improvements
560 commits
to master
since this release
This release contains new features and bug fixes to support the upcoming service infrastructure.
- Improved admin and group protection: it is not possible to lock out ourselves from the repository anymore by deleting the last admin, or disabling certain users.
OData improvements
- We consolidated empty return values of OData methods.
- Role fields threw an exception when dealing with unaccessible roles.
Bug fixes
- Unknown property error after adding a new field to the CTD.
- Uploading an existing file threw error in some cases.
- We handle well-known field name registration correctly to provide a more meaningful error message.
- Auto-patch fix: an installer will run only once, even if there is a faulty patch in the db.
- Removed default value from birthday field of users to prevent UI date value confusion.
sensenet as a service improvements
- The ModifiedBy field became hidden by default to avoid UI clutter.
- It is possible to configure the system to delete binaries immediately instead of relying on a background job.
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