Find us here -> FB Group and here Telegram Group and
- Aimed to be the open place for CPython things.
- Will add blog posts, books or maybe some interesting notes related CPython.
- Especially interested in adding more video links from conferences which I have found with my own notes.
- Please if you see something new then send PR with new related information.
- Expected to be huge README file.
- I want to speak in English, Russian and Turkish. Please do not be surprised.
- Inside The Python Virtual Machine
- CPython book from realpython - you need to purchase it.
New additions:
CPython internals: A ten-hour codewalk through the Python interpreter source code [+]
Bytes in the Machine: Inside the CPython interpreter - PyCon 2015 [+]
Exploring is never boring: understanding CPython without reading the code [+]
A Bit about Bytes: Understanding Python Bytecode - PyCon 2018 [+]
CPython internals: why bother? (James Powell) [+] (I said no)
Hacking the CPython Interpreter | SciPy 2016 | James Powell [+] (I said no)
Stepping Through CPython [+] (Extremely informative one!!!)
So you want to write an interpreter? [+] (Watch this again to catch in future!!!)
Related things:
From Source to Code: How CPython's Compiler Works - Brett Cannon [+]
- CPython - Bytecode and Virtual Machine - Stephane Wirtel [+] (you can use slides from this talk)
Extra links:
Seems to be same thing -> [+]
Seems to be same thing but a bit different may whatch it again maybe -> [+]
Armin Ronacher – Binary Python: Introducing Native Code [+] This thing is about packages, building, preparing python things etc.
How Python was Shaped by leaky Internals, Armin Ronacher, Flask framework [+] Extremely valuable and informative talk.
How you can contribute to Python [+] Well already known things for me.
Знай и люби свой CPython во имя луны и великой справедливости, Александр Кошкин [+] Great talk in Russian.
Nina Zakharenko - Memory Management in Python - The Basics - PyCon 2016 [+]
«Память и Python. Что надо знать для счастья?» Алексей Кузьмин, ЦНС [+] Notes to look:
- objgraph -> lib
- pympler -> lib
- memory_profiler -> @profile adding top of the function; mprof run + mprof plot
- memoryview
- struct
Contribute to CPython, Дмитрий Алимов / PiterPy Meetup #4 [+]
Core Development Panel: Юрий Селиванов, Андрей Светлов и Christian Heimes [+] This is talf of core developers.
Python Data Structures implementation list, dict: how does CPython actually implement them? [+] Advance level talk. Watch it in the future again!!!
Emily Morehouse-Valcarcel - The AST and Me - PyCon 2018 [+] Notes:
- This talk is about Abstract Syntax Trees an internal view of Python code execution. Modules:
- ast
- astor
- meta
- codegen
David Beazley - Reinventing the Parser Generator - PyCon 2018 [+] Explaining how actually the Lexer and YACC works. About Sly and Ply project. Watch it again to get what is Lexer and Parser basically.
A. Skrobov - How CPython parser works, and how to make it work better [+]
Nice slides - can be used for further explorations. This is about adding new operator into CPython
Larry Hastings - Removing Python's GIL: The Gilectomy - PyCon 2016 [+]
Larry Hastings The Gilectomy How's It Going PyCon 2017 [+] Techincally in-depth advance talk which is hard to catch for me now. But it is a matter of time.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Memory in Python But Were Afraid to Ask [+] Despite the name of the talk - there is no such extraordinary thing to learn from here, because I am already aware of those things.
"Внутренности" CPython, часть II / Никита Лесников / Wargaming [Python Meetup 30.08.2013] [+]
Here be dragons: some elegant and ugly hacks in CPython by Nick Coghlan - [+] interesting talk.
Petr Viktorin - Bytecodes and stacks: A look at CPython’s compiler and its execution model [+] - extremely informative details.
Jesús Espino - Playing with CPython Objects Internals [+] -> nice tricks with ctypes
Jeethu Rao - Faster Python startup [+] -> not clear what is going here.
Открытый урок «Внутреннее устройство интерпретатора CPython» [+] -> Internal talks about CPython adding new command etc in Russian.