One-Shot Reachability Analysis of Neural Network Dynamical Systems: Is it Worth Verifying a Rollout Dynamics?
This repository compares the one-shot and recursive reachability analysis frameworks for discrete-time NN dynamical systems over a finite horizon. It contains examples from the paper:
One-shot reachability analysis of neural network dynamical systems
Shaoru Chen, Victor M. Preciado, Mahyar Fazlyab
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
For a potentially uncertain NN dynamical system
and the goal is to obtain reachable set over-approximations
Recursive Analysis: Derive reachable set over-approximation
$R_{t+1}$ with$R_t$ as the input domain to the NN dynamics$x_{t+1} = f(x_t, w_t)$ . -
One-Shot Analysis: Derive reachable set over-approximation
$R_{t+1}$ with the initial set$X_0$ as the input domain to the rollout NN dynamics$x_{t+1} = f^{(t)}(x_0, w_0, w_1, \cdots, w_t)$ .
Surprisingly, we found that the one-shot analysis does NOT always give tighter over-approximations even though it considers a larger computation graph for verification. Whether the one-shot method leads to tighter bounds depends on the applied NN verification method! As shown in the following example, with a backward bound propagation method, one-shot analysis gives tighter bounds. However, with a forward bound propagation method, one-shot analysis becomes much more conservative. The main question that we want to answer is: When is it worth verifying the rollout NN dynamics?
Bounding reachable sets of a 2D NN system using backward bound propagation. Bounding reachable sets of a 2D NN system using forward bound propagation.The following results are provided in our paper:
- One-shot analysis is guaranteed to be tighter than the recursive counterpart if the applied NN verifier has a separable structure. This "separable" class of NN verifiers include popular ones such as those based on mixed-integer programming, linear programming-based verifiers, and backward bound propagation.
- The conservatism gap between the one-shot and recursive analysis comes from the concretization errors when a fixed bounding template (e.g., a polyhedron with specified hyperplanes) is used.
- With a separable NN verifier for reachability analysis, the rollout horizon can be treated as a design parameter. The choice of the bounding template is crucial but how to find a good one is an open problem.
This repository contains codes to recover the results reported in the main paper.
The following installation has been tested:
conda create -n nn_reach python=3.10
conda activate nn_reach
# Example: install pytorch on macOS.
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 -c pytorch
pip install auto-lirpa
conda install -c conda-forge cvxpy
conda install scipy
pip install -r requirements.txt
To generate Fig.3.a, run
python examples/duffing_oscillator/ --method backward --one_shot_horizon 8 --recursive_horizon 3
To generate Fig.3.b, run
python examples/duffing_oscillator/ --method forward --one_shot_horizon 3 --recursive_horizon 2
To generate Fig.4, run
python examples/duffing_oscillator/
To generate Fig.6, run
python examples/cartpole/
We use auto-LiRPA to implement the bound propagation method to bound NN outputs.
We use pympc mainly for operations on polyhedron.