Cake Build addin for transfering files to and from Amazon S3
- Upload
- Download
- Open
- Delete
- ACL's
- Encryption
- PreSign URL
- Sync Upload / Download directory
- Uses AWS fallback credentials (app.config / web.config file, SDK store or credentials file, environment variables, instance profile)
Cake.AWS.S3 is available as a nuget package from the package manager console:
Install-Package Cake.AWS.S3
or directly in your build script via a cake addin:
#addin "Cake.AWS.S3&loaddependencies=true"
(Due to changes in the latest version of Cake you should include the loaddependencies option when referencing the addin)
#addin "Cake.AWS.S3&loaddependencies=true"
#addin "Cake.AWS.CloudFront&loaddependencies=true"
.Description("Upload a file to S3")
.Does(async () =>
await S3Upload("C:/Files/", "", new UploadSettings()
AccessKey = "blah",
SecretKey = "blah",
Region = RegionEndpoint.EUWest1,
BucketName = "cake-s3",
CannedACL = S3CannedACL.Private,
EncryptionKey = "mykey"
.Description("Download a file from S3")
.Does(async () =>
await S3Download("C:/Files/", "", new DownloadSettings()
AccessKey = "blah",
SecretKey = "blah",
Region = RegionEndpoint.EUWest1,
BucketName = "cake-s3",
CannedACL = S3CannedACL.Private,
EncryptionKey = "mykey"
.Description("Upload a file to S3")
.Does(async () =>
await S3Upload("C:/Files/", "",
new UploadSettings()
.Description("Download a file from S3 using AWS Fallback credentials")
.Does(async () =>
var settings = Context.CreateDownloadSettings();
settings.BucketName = "cake-s3";
await S3Download("C:/Files/", "", settings);
.Description("Syncs a directory to S3 using AWS Fallback credentials (requires Cake.AWS.CloudFront for invalidation)")
.Does(async () =>
//Scan a local directory for files, comparing the contents against objects already in S3. Deleting missing objects and only uploading changed objects, returning a list of keys that require invalidating.
var invalidate = await S3SyncUpload("./images/", Context.CreateSyncSettings()
BucketName = "cake-s3",
SearchFilter = "*.png",
SearchScope = SearchScope.Recursive,
//Default content type is used when file has no extension or the content type can't be generated using extension
DefaultContentType = "text/html",
LowerPaths = true,
KeyPrefix = "img/",
//Compares MD5 hash or modified date
ModifiedCheck = ModifiedCheck.Hash
//Invalidate the list of keys that were either updated or deleted from the sync.
CreateInvalidation("distribution", invalidate, Context.CreateCloudFrontSettings());
.Description("Syncs a directory from S3 using AWS Fallback credentials, please be aware this deletes missing files!")
.Does(async () =>
//Scan a local directory for files, comparing the contents against objects already in S3. Deleting missing files and only downloading changed objects.
var invalidate = await S3SyncDownload("./images/", Context.CreateSyncSettings()
BucketName = "cake-s3",
SearchFilter = "*.png",
SearchScope = SearchScope.Recursive,
LowerPaths = true,
KeyPrefix = "img/",
//Compares MD5 hash or modified date
ModifiedCheck = ModifiedCheck.Hash
.Description("Helper method to generate an encryption key")
.Does(() =>
A complete Cake example can be found here.
Please be aware of the breaking changes that occurred with the release of Cake v0.22.0, you will need to upgrade Cake in order to use Cake.AWS.S3 v0.5.0 or above.
Please be aware of the breaking changes that occurred with the release of Cake.AWS.S3 v0.6.0, in order to support netstandard1.6 I had to switch to using async methods.
If your S3 buckets are linked to CloudFront distributions its worth checking out Cake.AWS.CloudFront.
If your looking for a way to trigger cake tasks based on windows events or at scheduled intervals then check out CakeBoss.
Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016 Phillip Sharpe
Cake.AWS.S3 is provided as-is under the MIT license. For more information see LICENSE.
If this project helps you in anyway then please ⭐ the repository.