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Minimal hookup example
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Shinmera committed Dec 9, 2024
1 parent eeb669f commit 4dcce02
Showing 1 changed file with 140 additions and 0 deletions.
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions examples/hookup.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
(defpackage #:org.shirakumo.alloy.examples.hookup
(:use #:cl)
(#:glfw #:org.shirakumo.fraf.glfw)
(#:alloy #:org.shirakumo.alloy)
(#:animation #:org.shirakumo.alloy.animation)
(#:opengl #:org.shirakumo.alloy.renderers.opengl)
(#:simple #:org.shirakumo.alloy.renderers.simple)
(#:presentations #:org.shirakumo.alloy.renderers.simple.presentations))

(in-package #:org.shirakumo.alloy.examples.hookup)

(defclass renderer (org.shirakumo.alloy.renderers.opengl.msdf:renderer

(defmethod alloy:allocate ((renderer renderer)))

(defclass ui (alloy:fixed-scaling-ui)
((alloy:target-resolution :initform (alloy:px-size 1280 720))
(alloy:scales :initform '((3840 T 2.0)
(2800 T 1.5)
(1920 T 1.25)
(1280 T 1.0)
(1000 T 0.8)
(T T 0.5)))))

(defmethod (setf alloy:cursor) (cursor (ui ui)))

(defclass window (glfw:window renderer)
((ui :initform (make-instance 'ui) :accessor ui)
(cursor-location :initform (alloy:px-point 0 0) :accessor cursor-location)))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((window window) &key)
(alloy:allocate window)
;; Setup initial GL state
(gl:clear-color 0 0 0 0)
(gl:enable :blend :depth-test :depth-clamp :stencil-test)
(gl:clear-stencil #x00)
(gl:stencil-func :always 1 #xFF)
(gl:stencil-mask #xFF)
(gl:clear-depth 0.0)
(gl:depth-func :gequal)
(gl:depth-mask T)
(gl:blend-func :src-alpha :one-minus-src-alpha)
;; Construct our test layout
(let ((layout (make-instance 'alloy:grid-layout :col-sizes '(100 T) :row-sizes '(30) :layout-parent (alloy:layout-tree (ui window))))
(focus (make-instance 'alloy:focus-list :focus-parent (alloy:focus-tree (ui window)))))
(alloy:enter "Hello" layout)
(let ((button (alloy:represent "Test" 'alloy:button :layout-parent layout :focus-parent focus)))
(alloy:on alloy:activate (button)
(print :HELLO)))))

;; Hook up events
(defmethod glfw:window-resized ((window window) w h)
(alloy:suggest-size (alloy:px-size w h) (ui window))
(let ((target (simple:transform-matrix window)))
(setf (aref target 0) (/ 2f0 (max 1f0 w)))
(setf (aref target 1) 0f0)
(setf (aref target 2) -1f0)

(setf (aref target 3) 0f0)
(setf (aref target 4) (/ 2f0 (max 1f0 h)))
(setf (aref target 5) -1f0)

(setf (aref target 6) 0f0)
(setf (aref target 7) 0f0)
(setf (aref target 8) 0.0001f0)
(setf (simple:identity-matrix window) (copy-seq target))))

(defmethod glfw:mouse-moved ((window window) x y)
(let ((location (alloy:px-point x (- (second (glfw:size window)) y))))
(alloy:handle (make-instance 'alloy:pointer-move
:old-location (cursor-location window)
:location location)
(ui window))
(setf (cursor-location window) location)))

(defmethod glfw:mouse-button-changed ((window window) button action mods)
(case action
(alloy:handle (make-instance 'alloy:pointer-down
:location (cursor-location window)
:kind button)
(ui window)))
(alloy:handle (make-instance 'alloy:pointer-up
:location (cursor-location window)
:kind button)
(ui window)))))

(defmethod glfw:key-changed ((window window) key code action mods)
(case action
(alloy:handle (make-instance 'alloy:key-down :code code :key key :modifiers mods)
(ui window)))
(alloy:handle (make-instance 'alloy:key-down :code code :key key :modifiers mods :repeat-p T)
(ui window)))
(alloy:handle (make-instance 'alloy:key-up :code code :key key :modifiers mods)
(ui window)))))

(defmethod glfw:mouse-scrolled ((window window) x y)
(alloy:handle (make-instance 'alloy:scroll
:dy y
:dx x
:location (cursor-location window))
(ui window)))

(defmethod glfw:char-entered ((window window) char)
(alloy:handle (make-instance 'alloy:text-event :text (string (code-char char)))
(ui window)))

(defun launch ()
(let ((window (make-instance 'window :opengl-profile :opengl-core-profile
:context-version-major 3
:context-version-minor 3))
(last-time (glfw:timestamp))
(resolution (/ 1.0d0 (glfw:timestamp-resolution))))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) last-time))
;; Loop
(loop until (glfw:should-close-p window)
do (glfw:poll-events)
(let* ((new-time (glfw:timestamp))
(dt (* (- new-time last-time) resolution)))
(declare (type (unsigned-byte 64) new-time))
(animation:update (ui window) (float dt 0f0))
(setf last-time new-time))
;; Render UI
(gl:viewport 0 0 (glfw:width window) (glfw:height window))
(alloy:render window (ui window))
(glfw:swap-buffers window))

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