ex1: Write a program in C to find GCD of given values
ex2: Write a program in C to find out the max and min values in the given three numbers
ex3: Write a program in C to find exponentiation of a given values
ex4: Write a program in C to find sum of array of given integers
ex5: Write a program in C to compute the sine series
ex6: Write a program in C to find the fibonacci series
ex7: Write a program in C to find the roots of a quadratic equation
ex8: Write a program in C for find reversing the digits of an given integer
ex9: Write a C program to find the smallest divisor of an integer
ex10: Write a C program to generate prime numbers in the given interval
ex11: Write a C program to find sum of two numbers in a given integers
ex12: Write a C program to perform all the arithmetic operations for any two given two numbers
ex13: Write a C program to find length and breadth and its perimeter
ex14: Write a C program to perform simple structure of a function for addition program
ex15: Write a C program to enter radius of a circle and find its diameter, circumference and area using function
ex16: Write a C program to swap two numbers using function
ex17: Write a C Program to find the given number is odd or even using function
ex18: Write a C Program to find the given number is prime number or not using function
ex19: Write a C Program to find the largest number in an given array using function
ex20: Write a C program to find out the size of the given data
ex21: Program for Matrix Addition
ex1: Program to print "welcome"
ex2: Program to "add two numbers"
ex3: Program to "print a number"
ex4: Program to find the size of fundamental data type
ex5: Program to find the upper and lower limit of an integer For upper limit use INT_MAX For lower limit use INT_MIN
ex6: Program to swap two numbers swapping two numbers
ex7: Program to find "sum of natural numbers"
ex8: Program to "check the given number is odd or even"
ex9: Program "To check the leap year"
ex10: Program to check whether the value entered is palidrome or not Palindrome or not
ex11: Program to perform Raising the number to larger power x ^ n
ex12: Develop a C++ application to remove the duplicates in an ordered array given.
ex13: Develop a C++ application to find the kth smallest Element
ex14: Develop a C++ application to to generate histogram
ex15: Develop a C++ application to to perform addition and multiplication operations over the matrix of order 3 * 3.
ex16: Develop a C++ application to finding factorial of a given number
ex17: Program to find the position of a given integer using linear search method
ex18: Program to arrange the given n elementa in an array in ascending and descending order
ex19: Program to delete n characters from specific position i from the given string
ex20: Program convert "Decimal number into Roman number"