download magma repo:
git clone --depth 1
move to gateway folder:
cd magma/lte/gateway
download vagrant box:
vagrant box add magmacore/magma_dev \
--box-version=1.1.20210618 \
install ansible:
sudo apt install ansible
start vagrant box:
vagrant up magma
ssh inside vagrant box:
vagrant ssh magma
build AGW
cd magma/lte/gateway
make run
Install scp plugin for Vagrant and copy the rootCA.pem file to AGW
vagrant plugin install vagrant-scp
vagrant scp /tmp/rootCA.pem magma:~
vagrant ssh magma
First, copy the root CA for your Orchestrator deployment into your AGW:
sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/magma/tmp/certs/
sudo mv rootCA.pem /var/opt/magma/tmp/certs/rootCA.pem
Then, point your AGW to your Orchestrator:
sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/magma/configs
cd /var/opt/magma/configs
sudo vim control_proxy.yml
Put the following contents into the file:
cloud_port: 443
bootstrap_port: 443
fluentd_port: 24224
rootca_cert: /var/opt/magma/tmp/certs/rootCA.pem
Then restart your services to pick up the config changes:
sudo service magma@* stop
sudo service magma@magmad restart
sudo service magma@magmad status
# check status of magma services
sudo systemctl status magma@*
check logs:
sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
sudo journalctl -fu magma@magmad
grab the hardware secrets off your AGW:
# if above command doesn't work
sudo pip3 install snowflake
export AGW_SCRIPTS=/home/vagrant/magma/orc8r/gateway/python
ln -s ${AGW_SCRIPTS}/magma ${AGW_SCRIPTS}/scripts/
test network:
Generate new Challenge key:
cd /var/opt/magma/certs
# Generate Private key
sudo openssl ecparam -name secp384r1 -genkey -noout -out gw_challenge.key
sudo chmod 644 gw_challenge.key
# Generate Public key
openssl ec -in gw_challenge.key -pubout -out gw_challenge.pem
GW_CHALLENGE=$(cat gw_challenge.pem | sed '5d' | sed '1d' | tr -d '\n')
Generate new Hardware ID:
sudo uuidgen > /etc/snowflake
sudo snowflake --force-new-key
remove gateway keys and network config:
sudo rm /var/opt/magma/certs/gateway.crt
sudo rm /var/opt/magma/certs/gateway.key
sudo rm /var/opt/magma/configs/gateway.mconfig
check certificate details:
openssl x509 -text -noout -in rootCA.pem
openssl x509 -text -noout -in /var/opt/magma/tmp/certs/rootCA.pem