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A rust realization of former osu-mania-editor.

Standalone Usage

Download the converter_rust_x.x.x_standalone.exe. Simply put this executable file under the same directory of mcz file and double click, all mcz files will be converted to osz files.

Webapp Deployment

Download converter_rust_x.x.x_webapp.exe. Run the application as Administrator, and upload your mcz file at localhost. If you want to deploy it on a server, you can either compile and run it in unix-like systems or run the exe on Windows Server. You need to do port forwarding if you don't have a public IP (like at home) to make it accesible to Internet, and keep port 80 open for TCP protocol at firewall since it is the port for http.

Compiling Issues

From ver 0.2.0 mods are used to make it easier to infer the processing functions.
mcz2osz provides two public functions: process_whole_dir_mcz produces the osz transform of all mcz files under the working directory; process_mcz_file takes in a &Path parameter and transforms this specific mcz file into osz format. An example can be given as process_whole_dir_mcz():

pub fn process_whole_dir_mcz() -> io::Result<()> {
    let current_dir = "."; 
    for entry in WalkDir::new(current_dir) {
        let entry = entry?;
        let path = entry.path();
        if path.extension() == Some(std::ffi::OsStr::new("mcz")) {

webapp uses process_mcz_file() and sets up a web application to receive .mcz file uploads and transform it into .osz file. Just run the main function and it does all the job.