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Collection of very simple scripts I'm using to automate Arch installation (the whole installation process takes < 10 minutes). The script only supports EFI system. The system is using BTRFS with encryption. Swap is enabled via systemd-swap.
Learn the manual installation process first! https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide
Do a few dry runs on a virtual machine!
- Boot Arch ISO
- Run
curl -LJO tomasrejhons.github.io/malis
- Run
curl -LJO tomasrejhons.github.io/malis/config
- Examine and edit malis config (Edit the drive you want to install the system on and mirror servers location etc)
- Run
bash malis
- Examine and edit post-install (Edit the user name)
- Run
bash post-install
- exit the root prompt,
umount -a
- You can use snapper-setup to setup snapper and to create the initial system snapshot
- (Optional) Run
sh archdi
to install additional software