A OpenMod plugin which adds the ability to use Pomelo's MySQL EF Core.
DISCLAIMER: The hotloader for OpenMod cannot be disabled or else this won't work.
There are three steps to including SilK.OpenMod.EntityFrameworkCore in your OpenMod plugin:
Include the NuGet package in your project -
Install-Package SilK.OpenMod.EntityFrameworkCore
Add the PomeloMySqlConnectorResolver to your container configurator:
public class ContainerConfigurator : IContainerConfigurator { public void ConfigureContainer(IOpenModServiceConfigurationContext openModStartupContext, ContainerBuilder containerBuilder) { ... containerBuilder.AddPomeloMySqlConnectorResolver(); ... } }
Change your database context's base type to
:public class ExampleDbContext : OpenModDbContext<ExampleDbContext> { ... }
public class ExampleDbContext : OpenModPomeloDbContext<ExampleDbContext> { ... }