This adds signature authentication to Django / Rest Framework. In addition it provides an easy to use password reset module apart from Django's built in.
4.0.0.dev1 Migrated the project for Django 4.2 and newer 1.4.0.dev1 Moved full access key and bypass auth users to the database. You will need to update your models to utilize this. Older settings will still work. One requirement with this new build is to add API_ENDPOINT_MODEL to your settings for more streamlined testing. 1.3.0.dev1 Migrated to DjangoTestCase under the hood so when moving to this version you'll need to revisit your tests 1 When updating past this version you will be required to send in an APIRequetPermission model 1.0.4.dev1 When updating past this version you will be required to install the following pip packages: python-jose
In order to build in Windows environments you need to have the C++ compiler installed. This can be done within Visual Studio 2015 by installing the Visual C++ tools for Windows
To run tests in test projects:
cd test_projects/test_proj
python test test_projects.test_proj.test_app
If you want to run tests from the root project directory, you can use the following commands:
python -m unittest discover -s test_projects/test_proj/ -p '*'
python -m unittest discover -s rest_framework_signature/ -p '*'
If you are debugging or running them without you need to create the databases:
- drfsig for test_proj
You then need to run migrations
cd test_projects/test_proj
python migrate
Then you will be able to run / debug tests and code!
This is how long authentication tokens will be valid
This is how long a password reset token is good for
When a user fails to login a certain number of times they will be locked out for this period of time
This is how many times someone can fail to login / authenticate before their account is locked
This is the model that is passed in and used for the User model. This is the user model that will be used within Django. This has the following required fields:
- first_name: CharField
- last_name: CharField
- username: CharField
- salt: CharField
- password_reset_token: CharField
- updated: DateTimeField
- created: DateTimeField
- is_active: BooleanField
This is the model that is utilized for the AuthToken model. This is an auth token for a specific user so you can tie each API call to a specific logged in user. This has the following required fields:
- key: CharField
- user: ForeignKey to the USER_DOCUMENT
- auth_type: CharField
This is the model that is utilized for the Application model. This is the ApiKey model which is used to give different applications access to the API.
This is the model that is used to restrict and grant access to each individual endpoint in your API. This has the following required fields on the model:
This is the model that is used to restrict and grant access to each individual endpoint with specific request variables. This has the following required fields on the model:
- api_key: ForeignKey field to the APPLICATION_DOCUMENT setting
- api_endpoint: ForeignKey field to the ApiEndpoint model defined in
- request_key: CharField containing the key in the dictionary that you want to restrict access on
- request_value: CharField containing the value in the request_key that you watn to restrict access on
This is the model that is used to link into the API_REQUEST_PERMISSION table that has the endpoint data. This was not used until version 1.4.0.
- endpoint: Endpoint in the shortened django url form i.e. ^/users$ (can be a regex)
This setting is utilized when mongo is the underlying engine. We have to connect to the mongo database and need to utilize DB_SETTINGS field to initialize the connection to the database.
This can be set on development and local environments to easily test without providing authentication credentials or an API key. Should not be set on production.
Name of the header you would like for SUPER_KEY_AUTH usually something like HTTP_X_DRFSIG_SUPER_KEY
Name of header containing timestamp
Name of header containing the nonce
Name of header containing the api key public key
This tells authentication which underlying DB we are using. Currently there is mongo, and mssql as options. mssql is the setting to use for any approved Django relational database.
This is the amount of time a request with it's associated nonce is good for until it is expired. This will prevent replay attacks on endpoints.
This setting will disable the requirement of having a user authenticated with each request.
This setting is for URLS that can bypass user authentication / api keys. There are times when you need to submit certain requests and do not have a user logged in.
This setting is for Api Keys you want to use that do not utilize user authentication but still need access to specific endpoints and you don't wnat to add them all the BYPASS_URLS
This setting is for URLS that do not need an ApiKey OR an authenticated user. They should be used sparingly and the usual suspects for this is some ping endpoint to check uptime.
This setting is to define classes that will utilize an SSO token and allow users to login using a one time token. It will take a list of classes with the following required fields:
- token: CharField
- user: ForeignKey to the USER_DOCUMENT
This setting is to allow full access to all endpoints so you do not need to create an API Permission for each endpoint for the main applications that utilize your API.
This setting identifies endpoints that are multipart post urls. Authentication is currently handled differently for them as it is a little trickier to calculate the nonce.