1.0.0 (2023-04-18)
- add configuration model (254f34b)
- add digital twin manager (158ebde)
- add director agent (4c76e65)
- add kafka client (3e25e52)
- add ventilation base artifact (06214c9)
- allow to specify a specific target humidity for a room (29e6c39)
- allow to specify a specific target illuminance for a room (8e2369a)
- allow to specify a specific target temperature for a room (b0bde52)
- create base schema for temperatureControl agent (2796742)
- create configuration artifact (d5d6b06)
- create event deserializer (26361d1)
- create operating block observer artifact (f63446d)
- director informs other agents on the optimal values for environmental conditions and medical technologies scenarios (93742a9)
- emit from configuration artifact the configuration to the observers (0bc84a4)
- handle medical technology usage events (66a302d)
- implement actuator discovery in digital twin environment (3d51963)
- implement ambient light actions (fa9c4b4)
- implement base cooler artifact without logic (9ba6271)
- implement base heater artifact without logic (d1543f7)
- implement base of powerSaver agent (5c747e9)
- implement basic ambient light artifact (dbee694)
- implement basic surgical light artifact (f1cab98)
- implement cooler actions (31effc5)
- implement heater actions (66fde9d)
- implement humidity control agent (21f5810)
- implement invoker based on web of things (9e8954a)
- implement luminosity control agent (17dfe11)
- implement standby mode decision and flow towards control agents in director agent (0f9badf)
- implement surgical light actions (06dba7a)
- implement temperature control agent (e2cd01d)
- implement ventilation actions (00dfdd1)
- implement wot client (a9e9849)
- powerSaver agent is now capable of request the start and the stop of the standby mode to the director through the tuple space (b0eaba7)
- search for actuator id in actuator artifacts (709fbe4)
- send standby configuration to powerSaver agent (ebb78b3)
Bug Fixes
- avoid to add a belief each time a no presence activity is detected if already known (c985d61)
- correct query to find the room where is placed a medical technology (15f5b24)
- handle concurrency between temperature controls (e6e569f)
- handle plan failure (ae324b9)
- use literals instead of atoms (f11b73e)
- value object must have equals defined on their data (b652ec5)
General maintenance
- add a configuration example (4f7836b)
- add actuator id on actions invocation (df372ab)
- add bug report and feature request issue templates (453a89b)
- add conventional commits and signed commit git hooks (0fdde50)
- add event keys that generate that payload (3a131bc)
- add initializer to mas (27cc687)
- add label name to room type and medical technology type in events (3be56f2)
- add medical technology entity (71c3a4e)
- add medical technology id value object (dbb8d6d)
- add medical technology repository (948261b)
- add medical technology type (7ba42d9)
- add medical technology type label name (66a76b2)
- add mergify config (e555454)
- add room id value object (fdf0774)
- add semantic release config (728577a)
- add style checks pre commit hook (43ea798)
- adjust values of configuration example in order to test the system (e8cbbf4)
- base for director agent to react to request by powerSaver agent for the standby mode (37e1b4e)
- change configuration example values to better test the automations (aaaeafb)
- change event's deserializer (dbbc524)
- configure Renovate (9f49ec3)
- create actuator entity (cf89206)
- create actuator id value object (1adf998)
- create actuator repository (ce74e0a)
- create actuator type concept (428b032)
- create agent base file (3440569)
- create azure digital twins query helper (3852003)
- create dimmable actuator entity (6ca1f91)
- create dimmable artifact interface (2f71ef9)
- create event deserializer interface (1e34931)
- create event interface (c5062e0)
- create initializer agent in order to create main artifacts (31b3a4f)
- create interface for the event manager (a8c2229)
- create invokers in order to delegate to the infrastructure the behavior invocations (4a43ff9)
- create medical technology usage event (a266b15)
- create presentation utility for actuator's digital twin (7f92ded)
- create room event class (345114b)
- create room event humidity payload (55a015c)
- create room event luminosity payload (afc5f32)
- create room event presence payload (1536e1f)
- create room event temperature payload (1991feb)
- create switchable actuator entity (5aa476a)
- delete sample agent (870163b)
- delete sample artifact (8686bbe)
- delete unnecessary todo (390559a)
- delete unused files (0f5be77)
- delete unused signal (c9241fb)
- dimmable artifacts handle intensity (7692829)
- example of the usage of the configuration artifact (4c02339)
- implement event manager interface and use the event deserializer (50e44f2)
- improve logging (429fe73)
- init jacamo project (7331c15)
- init project (ce71d15)
- move comment (9064f03)
- observe environment in medical technology supporter agent (f72f4c6)
- regenerate gradle wrapper with jar tracked (3ea5fdc)
- set up sample agent (6a6f6fc)
- signal operating block events (00e21c7)
- signal the room type via its name instead of direct enum type name (66bb30c)
- update configuration example (50935f6)
- update gitignore (0e616ad)
- update README with environmental variables (7985e36)
- update README with information on environmental variables needed (0e66e90)
- update README with thing description directory base url environment variable (cf9328a)
- update test agent considering the initializer (46c256a)
Style improvements
- change event deserialization return type to optional (e69902c)
- change event key variable name (9e2680d)
- check existence of azure digital twin configuration at the startup of the application (8dacf99)
- create abstract room artifact and switchable artifact abstraction (8d55976)
- improve code stability (7500b95)
- improve logging (87c009a)
- move configuration artifact to artifact package (eede444)
- move configuration model to presenter layer (841d566)
- move logic to search for actuator id inside the AbstractActuatorInRoomArtifact class (ae99f40)
- start the operating block observer in the initializer (78e303c)
- use azure digital twins query helper (9bde8b3)
Build and continuous integration
- add build and deploy ci script (c8bad53)
- add gradle wrapper validation to success job (bc16c7f)
- add java qa suite (3942aba)
- add toolchain resolver plugin (fd89030)
- convert build.gradle from groovy to kotlin and add toml catalog (43f9ba4)
- deps: update codecov/codecov-action action to v3.1.2 (e072787)
- enable additional information for tests (78907f2)
- generate gradle wrapper (c96d3b0)
- remove jacamo default toolchain (63cd68d)
- set java version for jacamo (446ce79)
Dependency updates
- deps: add azure digital twins and identity dependencies (1cf60ab)
- deps: add gson dependency (247a3d6)
- deps: add kafka dependencies (06fc289)
- deps: add okhttp client dependency (40ac0e5)
- deps: add snakeyaml dependency (57df0d3)
- deps: add wot servient http binding dependency (aaa2226)
- deps: add wot servient runtime dependency (2d4c1e4)
- deps: update dependency com.azure:azure-identity to v1.8.2 (664b9fc)
- deps: update dependency gradle to v8.1 (05d76ed)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.19 (05fe6b7)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.20 (bd413fd)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.21 (5d4deba)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.22 (377b3a4)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.23 (31c9814)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.24 (94f6bcd)
- deps: update dependency semantic-release-preconfigured-conventional-commits to v1.1.25 (953e1b7)
- deps: update junit5 monorepo to v5.8.2 (ba635d9)
- deps: update junit5 monorepo to v5.9.2 (83479b0)
- deps: update node.js to 18.16 (803e91f)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.12.5 (6d7808d)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.12.6 (134d2ac)
- deps: update plugin com.gradle.enterprise to v3.13 (11fc1d1)
- deps: update plugin java-qa to v1.5.0 (17b01b6)
- deps: update plugin java-qa to v1.6.0 (a90aaa1)
- deps: update plugin org.danilopianini.gradle-pre-commit-git-hooks to v1.1.6 (f4c46ab)