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Frontend for algolia database with stuff made in Czechia

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Datoun (DAtabáze TOváren U Nás) is project that maps all Companies that make stuff in Czechia. It is accessible for everyone for free at

Help develop or fill Datoun

All contributions welcome, join us at our Discord server. If you want to fill datoun with data but dont knwo where to start get in touch on Discord. Our temporary database is in Google sheets

Tech stack

Datoun uses Vue3 with Carbon design system (storybook, website). Backend is an Algolia database accessed through Vue Instantsearch.


Deployment is done through GitHub Actions to GitHub Pages for every commit to the main branch.

Project setup

# Install project
npm install

# Compile and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve

# Compile and minify for production
npm run build

# Lint and fix files
npm run lint

Data JSON format

Data is formatted as the following JSON, here comments are added to all fields.

  "funguje": true,
  "jmeno_firmy": "Nefrito",
  "semafor": "10",
  "kategorie0": [
    "Zdraví a drogerie"
  "kategorie1": [
    "Zdraví a drogerie > Drogerie",
    "Zdraví a drogerie > Blbosti"
  "kategorie2": [
    "Zdraví a drogerie > Drogerie > Parfémy a voňavky"
  "aliasy": "",
  "popisek_firmy": "Jsme Čeští výrobci parfémů a voňavek. Když se spojí exotická surovina s poctivou českou výrobou, vznikne něco fantastického. Vznikne parfém NEFRITO. Česky u nás znamená překvapující kvalitou...",
  "vyrobny": [
       // ... shortened
  "poznamky_k_vyrobe": "Kanceláře v Hradci Králové, podle certifikace český výrobek vyrábí v Praze.",
  "eshop": "",
  "logo": "",


Bool, true if company is still operational.


String, company name.


String (with number). This attribute specifies the degree to which the company makets its stuff in Czechia.

  • value="0" [ Nevíme, kde vyrábí ]
  • value="10" [ Nevyrábí v České republice ]
  • value="20" [ Částečně vyrábí v České republice ]
  • value="30" [ Vyrábí vše v České republice ]

kategorie0, kategorie1, kategorie2

Array of strings. Hierary is composed of strings separated by " > ". Company does not have to belong into only leaf categories (kategorie2). The categories can stop at any level including top level.

Example of simple allowed hierarchy.

"kategorie0": [
"kategorie1": [
    "A1 > B1",
    "A1 > B2"
"kategorie2": [
    "A1 > B1 > C1",
    "A1 > B1 > C2"


String. Alternative or old names that are related to the company. For example brand names or old names of company.


String. Company description got from the company website. Usually pretty long. Its there because it contains lots of keywords for the company.


Array of JSONs. All the geographical locations saved in the company JSON are using records from obce JSON array created by Česko digital.

Sample record of one "obce".

    "hezkyNazev": "Borohrádek",
    "eDeskyID": "549",
    "souradnice": [
    "zkratka": "BOROHRADEK",
    "ICO": "00274739",
    "nazev": "MĚSTO BOROHRÁDEK",
    "datovaSchrankaID": "jyybfef",
    "pravniForma": {
    "type": 801,
    "label": "Obec"
    "mail": [
    "[email protected]"
    "adresaUradu": {
    "ulice": "Husova",
    "cisloDomovni": "240",
    "cisloOrientacni": null,
    "obec": "Borohrádek",
    "obecKod": "576131",
    "PSC": "51724",
    "castObce": "Borohrádek",
    "kraj": "Královéhradecký",
    "adresniBod": "21511888"


String. Short, very important string which is custom written to give speciffic information about where the company is manufacturing its products. This is displayed in the tile.


String with URL. Link to the company eshop/website.


String with URL. Link to the company logo.


Frontend for algolia database with stuff made in Czechia







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