We are using a proxy server for the grpc server from https://github.com/improbable-eng/grpc-web/tree/master/go/grpcwebproxy, to convert http 1.1 requests to http 2
- grpc-server: Grpc server for backend, this is the main service for development
- grpc-web-proxy: proxy for the grpc-server (port: 8080)
- mongodb: database (port: 27017)
- mongo-express: web interface to manage mongodb (port: 8081)
- Open The folder in vscode
- Using remote container extension, select reopen in container
- Install reccomended tools
- Develop (to manage the database go to localhost:8081)
- Is exposed the port 8080 from grpc-web-proxy service if you want to make manual testing from an external grpc web client
Note: Currenctly there is a public key filter for demo purposes
- You need locally only "prod folder" and open it
- Sign in in the container registry
- Place "mailgun-sending-key.key" file in "secrets" folder
- Initialize a letsencrypt folder in /etc/letsencrypt where are store certificate and private key for grpc-web-proxy
- Spin up "prod/docker-compose.yaml" with
docker compose up
- Implement tests for:
- Book
- Review
- GetMyReview
- RemoveReview
- RemoveMyBed
- GetReview
- add correct regex of telegram username
- add indexes for database in setupdb function
- SetProfilePic doesn't check if it is avif
- non optional values in grpc could be nil