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An architecture to build a multimodal dataset for gesture recognition


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An architecture to build a multimodal dataset for gesture recognition

This project consist in two software architectures, one that allows to easily acquire data from the three available sensors (i.e. Kinect, Smartwatch and MOCAP) in order to build a multimodal dataset and the other one is to visualize the data stored. The dataset will be built for 5 types of gesture, namely pouring, drinking, sitting down, standing up and walking, using the sensors mentioned above.


Architecture of the System

The “Gesture Sequence Generator” module is the implementation of the server of a service-client pattern; the “Experimenter GUI” represents all the graphical part of the architecture (divided into “Configuration UI”, which contains the management of the recording’s configuration, and “Communication with User UI”, where the user can control the recording and where images and time elapsed are displayed); the three “Sensor Modules” collect data from the sensors (MOCAP, Smartwatch and Kinect) and when they receive the signals from the Experimenter_GUI, they publish datas in a topics (one for each type of message); the three “Record Modules” read data from the topics published by the Sensor Modules and record them into a Rosbags; the “Conversion and Segmentation” module is commissioned to convert the data from “rosbag” to “csv” format, to assign certain labels to it and to segment them.

Contents of the repository

In this section we will explain the repository's content.


This folder contains the 3 packages to achieve data from real Kinect sensor and real Mocap sensor.


This folder contains the doxygen documentation in "html" and "laTex" format.


This is the folder in which the files created with the application will be stored.


This folder contains the several images that need to be displayed in the GUI in order to concisely communicate to the user what gesture he/she has to perform at a given time.


This folder contains two launchfiles: one executes the whole application and the other one executes the nodes which mimic the hardware's functioning.


This folder contains the ".msg" file needed for the gesture sequence structure that is saved in a rosbag.


This folder contains all the nodes that make up the main program: "GUI_node" initializes the GUI and deals with the logic behind the graphical elements, which makes the user navigate between windows, write personal informations, select which sensors to use, and so on; the "gestures_nodes" implements the server which manages the request for a random gesture sequence; the "fake_node_imu" creates fake simulated data from the Smartwatch; the "Smartwatch_node" manages data from Smartwatch sensor: it saves data when it is required by user; the "Recorder_IMU" saves data Imu into a Rosbag; the "fake_node_pc" create fake simulated data from the Kinect; the "kinect_node" manages data from Kinect sensor: it saves data when it is required by user; the "Recorder_PC" saves data PointCloud2 into a Rosbag; the "mocap_fake" creates fake simulated data from the Mocap; the "Mocap_node" manages data from Mocap sensor: it saves data when it is required by user; the "Recorder_mocap" saves Mocap data into a Rosbag. In addition to these 2 files, there's also the following folder.


This folder contains the "bag2csv-conversion",that takes Imu data, PointCloud2 data and Mocap data from Rosbag and converts them into csv files. There is also the "labeling",that takes csv files, label and segments them.


This folder contains 2 important sub-folders, "Tools" and "Windows".


This folder contains code which is needed in bigger programs: "gesture_sequence_client" implements the class to istantiate the client side of the service-client pattern; "startmsg_publisher" implements the class to create the publisher side of a publish-subscribe pattern.


This folder contains the code which encapsulates both the windows and their elements, which are istantiated in "GUI_node": here lies the code for the configuration window, the recording/communication with user window and the several tutorial windows. The code consists in classes created using "Qt5Designer" a program which lets you build up a graphical user interface by dragging components onto a window: we end up with a ".ui" file, which is then converted to python code.


This folder contains the simple ".srv" file that encodes the request-response structure of the service-client pattern.


The first thing to do, after having cloned the repository in the Ros workspace, is to build the package and install in order to make the ‘msg’ and ‘srv’ files executable, using the following commands in the workspace:

catkin_make install

Then it is necessary to install a Ros related Python library (this passage may not be required if the pc on which the modules will be installed has already other Ros projects developed with Python 3).

sudo apt-update
sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt-get install python3-yaml	
sudo pip3 install rospkg catkin-pkg 
pip3 install --user pyqt5
sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5

To run the system:

roslaunch multimodal_dataset_creation fake_nodes.launch
roslaunch multimodal_dataset_creation experimenter_GUI.launch


To run "bag2csv-conversion" and "labeling" is necessary to locate the folder where Rosbags are saved and then run the system:

python "bagFolder"
python "bagFolder"




  • "Experimenter_GUI" Module
  • "Gesture Sequence Generator" Module
  • "Fake Imu" Module
  • "Smartwatch" Module
  • "Fake PointCloud2" Module
  • "Kinect" Module
  • "Recorder Imu" Module
  • "Recorder PC" Module
  • "Recorder Mocap" Module
  • "mocap fake" Module
  • "Mocap node" Module
  • "Conversion and Segmentation" Module

Video Tutorial

A video showing how our architecture works in real time can be found at the following link.



The report was added to the Google Drive link shared on Slack.



An architecture to build a multimodal dataset for gesture recognition







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