DigitalClock in C A simple Digital Clock program written in C that displays the current time and date in various formats. The program continuously updates the time and date every second and clears the screen to provide a dynamic display.
- Displays time in various formats: 12-hour format 24-hour format (default) Expanded format
- Displays the current date in the format: Day, Month, Year.
- Cross-platform support: Windows: Clears the console using cls. Linux/MacOS: Clears the console using clear.
Libarary Used:
- #include<stdio.h>
- #include<stdlib.h>
- #include<time.h>
- #include<unistd.h>
How to run:
- Complie the program:
gcc digitalClock.c -o digitalClock
- Run the program:
- Choose the format you want to use.
- C compiler
- Operating system
Code Explanation:
- fillTime(char *buffer, int choice): Fills the buffer with the current time in the selected format.
- fillDate(char *buffer): Fills the buffer with the current date in Day, Month, Year format.
- choice(): Prompts the user to select a time format.
- clearScreen(): Clears the console screen for dynamic display.
- main(): Continuously displays the current time and date based on user choice.
--------------------Digital Clock-------------------------
Choose the time format you want to see:
1. 12-hour format
2. 24-hour format (default)
3. Expanded format
Enter your choice: 1
Current Time: 02:30:45 PM
Today is: 27, December, 2024
The screen updates every second with the latest time.
License: This project is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the code.