Phonetic keyboard layout for Russian and other Slavic languages. This is a Linux version of the keyboard layout for Windows found here. It tries to be phonetic for qwerty users while supporting the most common Slavic languages with Cyrillic alphabets. I created it using Keyboard layout editor.
- Add layout.xml to the ru node in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/base.xml
- Add layout.xml to the ru node in /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/fdev.xml
- Append layout.part to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ru
To use this layout either use setkbmap (sets your keyboard layout for the current X session) or localetc (persistent).
For example to use Caps Lock as a toggle key between US and this layout use one of these commands:
setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout us,ru -variant ,multilingual -option grp:caps_toggle
localectl set-x11-keymap us,ru pc105 ,multilingual grp:caps_toggle
For more information about setting up your keyboard layout, consult ArchWiki: Keyboard configuration in Xorg.
A different project also supporting most Slavic languages based on the Russian Windows keyboard layout:
Many keyboard layouts for different languages for Windows can be found here (in fact this is where I found the original version of this layout)