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SonarQube Quality Gate check QA

Check the Quality Gate of your code with SonarQube Server or SonarQube Community Build to ensure your code meets your own quality standards before you release or deploy new features.


SonarQube Server and SonarQube Community Build are widely used static analysis solutions for continuous code quality and security inspection.

They help developers detect coding issues in 30+ languages, frameworks, and IaC platforms, including Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, C#, Python, C, C++, and many more.


A previous step must have run an analysis on your code.

Read more information on how to analyze your code for SonarQube Server here and for SonarQube Community Build here


The workflow YAML file will usually look something like this::

  # Trigger analysis when pushing in master or pull requests, and when creating
  # a pull request.
      - master
    types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
name: Main Workflow
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          # Disabling shallow clone is recommended for improving relevancy of reporting.
          fetch-depth: 0

      # Triggering SonarQube analysis as results of it are required by Quality Gate check.
      - name: SonarQube Scan
        uses: sonarsource/sonarqube-scan-action@master
          SONAR_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
          SONAR_HOST_URL: ${{ secrets.SONAR_HOST_URL }}

      # Check the Quality Gate status.
      - name: SonarQube Quality Gate check
        id: sonarqube-quality-gate-check
        uses: sonarsource/sonarqube-quality-gate-action@master
          pollingTimeoutSec: 600
          SONAR_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SONAR_TOKEN }}
          SONAR_HOST_URL: ${{ secrets.SONAR_HOST_URL }} #OPTIONAL

      # Optionally you can use the output from the Quality Gate in another step.
      # The possible outputs of the `quality-gate-status` variable are `PASSED`, `WARN` or `FAILED`.
      - name: "Example show SonarQube Quality Gate Status value"
        run: echo "The Quality Gate status is ${{ steps.sonarqube-quality-gate-check.outputs.quality-gate-status }}"

Make sure to set up pollingTimeoutSec property in your step, to avoid wasting action minutes per month (see above example). If not provided, the default value of 300s is applied.

When using this action with sonarsource/sonarqube-scan action or with C/C++ code analysis (available only for SonarQube Server) you don't have to provide scanMetadataReportFile input, otherwise you should alter the location of it.

Typically, report metadata file for different scanners can vary and can be located in:

  • target/sonar/report-task.txt for Maven projects
  • build/sonar/report-task.txt for Gradle projects
  • .sonarqube/out/.sonar/report-task.txt for .NET projects

Example usage:

- name: SonarQube Quality Gate check
  uses: sonarsource/sonarqube-quality-gate-action@master
    scanMetadataReportFile: target/sonar/report-task.txt

Environment variables

  • SONAR_TOKENRequired this is the token used to authenticate access to SonarQube. You can read more about security tokens here. You can set the SONAR_TOKEN environment variable in the "Secrets" settings page of your repository, or you can add them at the level of your GitHub organization (recommended).

  • SONAR_HOST_URLOptional this tells the scanner where SonarQube is hosted, otherwise it will get the one from the scan report. You can set the SONAR_HOST_URL environment variable in the "Secrets" settings page of your repository, or you can add them at the level of your GitHub organization (recommended).

  • SONAR_ROOT_CERT – Holds an additional root certificate (in PEM format) that is used to validate the SonarQube certificate. You can set the SONAR_ROOT_CERT environment variable in the "Secrets" settings page of your repository, or you can add them at the level of your GitHub organization (recommended).

Quality Gate check run

Have questions or feedback?

To provide feedback (requesting a feature or reporting a bug) please post on the SonarSource Community Forum.


Scripts and documentation in this project are released under the LGPLv3 License.