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F1 Slingshot
It was originally believed that the MDB export from F1 was the export that contained all of the available Tables and Columns from the F1 database. Because of this, the F1 Slingshot client currently only supports files in MDB (Access) format.
It's now better understood that the MDF file can also contain all of the available Tables and Columns from F1, if requested.
This proves advantageous because of the 2GB file size limitations associated with MDB files. Larger churches were unable to obtain their data from F1 in a single MDB file.
Work is now underway to build out MDF support within the client side F1 Slingshot application.
When requesting an MDF export from Fellowship One, you will need to make sure to request a MDF export of your data with ALL of the available tables and columns, including calculated columns.
This will ensure that you get all of the Tables and Columns needed for the Slingshot import.
Below is a list of the required Tables and Columns that need to be in the MDF file:
- Individual_ID
- Household_ID
- Account_Type_Name
- Account
- Routing_Number
- Activity_ID
- Activity_Group_ID
- Activity_Super_Group_ID
- Activity_Group_Name
- Activity_Super_Group
- CheckinBalanceType
- Activity_Time_Name
- Activity_Start_Time
- Activity_End_Time
- Activity_ID
- Activity_Schedule_ID
- ActivityAssignmentID
- Activity_Name
- Ministry_Name
- RLC_Name
- Activity_Time_Name
- Activity_Start_Time
- Activity_End_Time
- Individual_ID
- Activity_ID
- Ministry_ID
- AssignmentDateTime
- BreakoutGroupName
- ActivityScheduleID
- Ministry_ID
- Activity_ID
- Ministry_Name
- Activity_Name
- Ministry_Active
- Activity_Active
- Has_Checkin
- Has_MyCheckin
- ActivityDescription
- Individual_Instance_ID
- Activity_Instance_ID
- Individual_ID
- Activity_ID
- Start_Date_Time
- Tag_Comment
- Tag_Code
- CheckedInAs
- BreakoutGroup_Name
- Check_In_Time
- Check_Out_Time
- Pager_Code
- Job_Title
- Checkin_Machine_Name
- Activity_schedule_ID
- Activity_schedule_name
- Attribute_Group_Name
- Attribute_Name
- Attribute_ID
- Individual_Id
- Start_Date
- End_Date
- Comment
- Staff_Individual_ID
- Individual_attribute_ID
- Created_Date
- AuthorizationID
- HouseholdID
- ChurchID
- PersonName
- AuthorizationDate
- CreatedDate
- LastUpdatedDate
- BatchID
- BatchName
- BatchDate
- BatchAmount
- ActivityInstanceID
- Communication_ID
- Individual_ID
- Household_ID
- Communication_Type
- Communication_Value
- Listed
- Communication_Comment
- LastUpdatedDate
- Household_ID
- Household_Name
- Household_Sort_Name
- Last_Activity_Date
- Old_ID
- CompanyType
- Contact_Name
- Created_Date
- Last_Updated_Date
- ContactInstanceID
- ContactInstItemID
- ContactActivityDate
- HouseholdID
- ContactIndividualID
- ContactItemIndividualID
- ContactDatetime
- ContactNote
- ContactItemNote
- ContactFormName
- ContactItemName
- ContactItemTypeName
- ContactStatus
- ContactMinistryID
- ContactAssignedUserID
- ContactDispositionName
- IsContactItemConfidential
- InitialContactCreatedByUserID
- ContactItemAssignedMinistryID
- ContactItemAssignedUserID
- ContactFormLastUpdatedDate
- ContactItemLastUpdatedDate
- Individual_ID
- Household_ID
- Fund_Name
- Fund_is_active
- Fund_type
- Fund_GL_account
- Sub_Fund_Name
- Received_Date
- Amount
- Check_Number
- Pledge_Drive_Name
- Pledge_Drive_ID
- Memo
- Contribution_Type_Name
- Stated_Value
- True_Value
- Liquidation_cost
- ContributionID
- BatchID
- Contribution_SubType_name
- Activity_ID
- Activity_Instance_ID
- ActivityService
- GiftProgramID
- GiftCategoryID
- GiftAttributeID
- ProgramName
- ShortProgramName
- CategoryName
- AttributeName
- CategorySort
- AttributeSort
- ProgramActive
- CategoryActive
- AttributeActive
- CategoryPercentage
- TotalJobAttributes
- MinJobAttributes
- JobAttributeWeight
- TotalIndividualAttributes
- MinIndividualAttributes
- IndividualAttributeWeight
- GroupTypeID
- GroupID
- IndividualID
- CreatedDate
- AdminTypeName
- Group_Type_Name
- Group_Name
- Group_Type_ID
- Group_ID
- Individual_ID
- Group_Member_Type
- Created_Date
- CampusName
- GroupID
- StartDateTime
- EndDateTime
- PresentCount
- AbsentCount
- TotalCount
- Met
- Comments
- IsPosted
- IsScheduled
- Individual_Present
- IndividualID
- AttendanceDate
- CheckinDateTime
- CheckoutDateTime
- AttendanceCreatedDate
- GroupMemberType
- Group_Name
- Group_ID
- Group_Type_Name
- Description
- is_open
- start_date
- is_public
- gender_name
- marital_status_name
- start_age_range
- end_age_range
- Campus_name
- isSearchable
- Location_Name
- RecurrenceType
- ScheduleDay
- StartHour
- EndHour
- ScheduleDescription
- Address1
- Address2
- Address3
- City
- StProvince
- PostalCode
- Country
- HasChildcare
- Headcount_ID
- Activity_ID
- RLC_name
- Start_Date_Time
- Attendance
- Meeting_note
- Activity_schedule_ID
- Activity_schedule_name
- Activity_Instance_ID
- Household_address_ID
- Individual_ID
- Household_ID
- Address_Type
- Address_1
- Address_2
- City
- State
- Postal_Code
- country
- County
- Carrier_Route
- Delivery_Point
- Address_Comment
- Last_Updated_Date
- Individual_ID
- Household_ID
- Household_Name
- Household_Position
- Last_Name
- First_Name
- Middle_Name
- Goes_By
- Former_Name
- Prefix
- Suffix
- Gender
- Date_Of_Birth
- Marital_Status
- First_Record
- Occupation_Description
- Employer
- School_Name
- Former_Church
- Status_Name
- Status_Date
- Default_tag_comment
- OldFamNum
- OldIndividualID
- SubStatus_Name
- Bar_Code
- Member_Env_Code
- Status_Comment
- Occupation_Name
- FormerDenomination_Name
- Title
- WeblinkLogin
- UnsubscribeAllChurchEmail
- IndividualContactID
- ContactInstItemID
- IndividualID
- IndividualContactDatetime
- UserID
- IndividualContactNote
- ConfidentialNote
- ContactMethodName
- Individual_ID
- ConductedByIndividualID
- AssessmentDate
- GiftProgramID
- GiftCategoryID
- GiftAttributeID
- Rank
- Job_ID
- Ministry_ID
- Activity_ID
- Job_Title
- Job_Description
- DYD_Enabled
- Position_Contact
- Gender
- Marital_Status
- Reports_To_Individual
- Ministry_Purpose
- Requirements
- Training_Requirements
- Time_Commitment_Required
- Christian_Maturity_Required
- Comments
- Minimum_Age
- Created_Date
- Last_Updated_Date
- Contact_Individual_ID
- Reports_To_Individual_ID
- Maximum_Age
- Is_Active
- JobID
- CreatedDate
- LastUpdatedDate
- JobInformationName
- Sort
- JobInformationText
- Note_ID
- Household_ID
- Individual_ID
- Note_Type_Name
- Note_Text
- NoteTypeActive
- NoteArchived
- NoteCreated
- NoteLastUpdated
- NoteTextArchived
- NoteTextCreated
- NoteTextLastUpdated
- NoteCreatedByUserID
- NoteLastUpdatedByUserID
- Pledge_ID
- Individual_ID
- Household_ID
- Pledge_Drive_Name
- Fund_Name
- Sub_Fund_Name
- Per_Payment_Amount
- Pledge_Frequency_Name
- Total_Pledge
- Start_Date
- End_Date
- Pledge_drive_goal
- IND_Relationship_Member_ID
- Ind_Relationship_ID
- Individual_ID
- Relationship_Role_Name
- Is_Primary
- CreatedDate
- IND_Relationship_Member_ID
- start_date
- EndDate
- Ind_Relationship_Note_ID
- Note_text
- Individual_requirement_ID
- Individual_ID
- Requirement_Name
- Requirement_Date
- Requirement_Status_Name
- Requirement_Note
- Is_Confidential
- Is_Background_Check
- Is_Reference_Check
- UserName
- RequirementDocumentContentType
- RequirementDocumentFileExtension
- Activity_ID
- RLC_Name
- Activity_Group_ID
- Start_Age_Date
- End_Age_Date
- Is_Active
- Room_Code
- Room_Desc
- Room_Name
- Max_Capacity
- Building_Name
- Staffing_pref_ID
- Activity_Time_Name
- Activity_Start_Time
- Activity_End_Time
- Individual_ID
- Job_Title
- Staffing_Schedule_Name
- Is_Active
- Ministry_ID
- Activity_ID
- Activity_Group_ID
- Activity_Schedule_ID
- JobID
- UserID
- UserLogin
- FirstName
- MiddleName
- LastName
- GoesBy
- IsUserEnabled
- UserBio
- IsPastor
- IsStaff
- UserTitle
- UserPhone
- UserEmail
- LinkedIndividualID
- UserCreatedDate
- DepartmentName