Github Account name:
How many hours did it take you to complete this assignment (estimate)?
Did you collaborate with any other students/TAs/Professors? If so, tell us who and in what capacity.
- one per row, add more if needed
Did you use any external resources (you do not have to cite in class material)? (Cite them below)
- one row per resource
(Optional) What was your favorite part of the assignment?
(Optional) How would you improve the assignment?
- Your code must compile and run on the Khoury machines to earn credit. Make sure you test your programs on these machines, as this is where we grade your assignments.
- You must commit any additional files(if any) into your repository so we can test your code.
- Points will be lost if you forget!
- Do not forget, once you have pushed your changes to your repo make sure that you submit them to Gradescope before the assignment deadline!