Unleash Your Voice, Share Your Story: Where Words Find Home - Welcome to Our Blogging Haven!
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Welcome to my MERN stack blog app! This application leverages MongoDB for data storage, Express.js for seamless server-side operations, React.js for a dynamic user interface, and Node.js for managing the backend. With this full-stack setup, users can effortlessly create, read, update, and delete blog posts.
It's designed to be user-friendly, making sharing and managing your content a breeze. Explore and enjoy the world of easy and efficient blogging with my MERN stack application.
🔐 Authentication (Login and Signup):
Enables users to securely sign up for new accounts and log in to access the platform using their unique credentials.
🏠 Home Page:
Serves as the primary landing space where users can explore featured or recent blog posts and navigate through the application's content.
📝 CRUD Operations:
Allows users to Create, Read, Update, and Delete blog posts, offering complete control over managing their content.
✍️ Blog Editor:
Provides an intuitive interface for users to craft and edit blog posts, including text formatting, media embedding, and content organization.
👤 Profile Management:
Empowers users to manage their profiles, update information, and personalize their account settings.
👍🗨️ Like and Comment on Articles:
Facilitates engagement by enabling users to like posts and leave comments, fostering a sense of community interaction.
📚 Save Article for Later:
Allows users to bookmark or save articles, creating a reading list for easy access to preferred content.
📄 Pagination:
Enhances user experience by dividing content into pages, ensuring a more organized and manageable layout.
⏱️ Debouncing:
Optimizes the user interface by controlling repetitive actions, enhancing performance and responsiveness.
📱 Mobile Responsiveness:
Ensures the application functions seamlessly across various mobile devices, providing a user-friendly experience on smartphones and tablets.
- React.js
- React Router DOM
- CKEditor 5 Classic Build
- React Icons
- Node.js
- Express.js
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Bcrypt.js
- Nodemailer
- Slugify
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Multer
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- User Event
- @testing-library/jest-dom
- @testing-library/react
- Axios (HTTP client for making requests)
- UUID (for generating unique identifiers)
- Dotenv (for environment variables)
- CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
- Path (for handling file paths)
- Express Async Handler (for handling asynchronous functions in Express)
- Web Vitals (for measuring web performance)
- Nodemon (for automatic server restart)
- PM2 (Process Manager for Node.js applications)